#HurtBae: Kourtney Jorge Dishes Out Advice To Heartbroken Women Everywhere

'Know your worth.'

Kourtney Jorge, aka #HurtBae, has dished out some sage words of advice for women experiencing heartbreak.

Last week, a video of Jorge confronting her ex-boyfriend after he cheated on her went viral and captured the hearts of the internet.

She has since shared a few words of wisdom for people in a similar position.

“My advice would be to know your limits within your relationship and also to know your worth,” she told Mashable.

“There are plenty of guys out there willing and able to treat a woman how she deserves to be treated.”

Kourtney Jorge
The Scene
Kourtney Jorge

Jorge originally appeared in a six-minute clip with her ex Leonard Long III, talking (and sobbing) about their former relationship, discussing how it started and, ultimately, how it ended.

She shed plenty of tears, while her ex sat stony-faced in front of her, explaining that he couldn’t even put a figure on the amount of times he’d cheated.

The video was shared online by Conde Nast’s ‘The Scene’ and it wasn’t long before the social media masses had sided with heartbroken Jorge, who was given the new moniker #HurtBae.

Jorge said they agreed to film the video to lay everything out on the table and find closure, following the messy end to their relationship.

In the video, she reflects on a time she walked in on her then-boyfriend who was in bed with someone else. He told her to get out, so she went to another room and cried.

Despite her ex admitting that he cheated on her countless times - to the point where he can’t actually put a number on it - Jorge has revealed that she is not angry and that she forgives him.

“I don’t wish ill will on anyone. Even though the video reflected on some of the bad times in our relationship, there were a lot of good times too,” she added.
