
Tips for making conversation with children, even if they seem alien to you.
HuffPost asked older people to share the concerns they wish they let go of sooner. Their answers are eye-opening.
Will you get sick if you go out without a jacket? Does eating chicken soup really help? Experts share the generational advice worth following.
Reading these important mental health lessons will *almost* be like getting a free therapy session.
Deal With It is a new podcast that boldly addresses some of the most important issues we so often choose to ignore. In our third episode host Ellie Taylor talks about the stresses and anxiety many of us have around money, with finance guru Lianna Brinded.
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Therapists say clients in their late-20s and 30s often worry they'll be alone forever.
How to take on advice from your mentors
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"Time doesn't stand still and people won't be around forever."
Here are some tips on how you can eat healthy at university, on a budget