What Advice Would You Give Your 16-Year-Old Self? People Share Pearls Of Wisdom

"Time doesn't stand still and people won't be around forever."
FatCamera via Getty Images

At the age of 16, we’re often at our most fragile. Navigating adolescence can be tricky, you’re finding your feet in the world and making big decisions that may or may not impact the path you’re going to take in life.

So if you could go back and have a heart-to-heart with your 16-year-old self, what would be the one piece of advice you’d give?

That’s the question Twitter user Úna-Minh Kavanagh (@unakavanagh) pitched to the masses and it wasn’t long before her tweet had been shared as a Moment, with hundreds sharing their thoughts.

Giving her own piece of advice, she said: “Failure is not the end, it’s just a lesson in how to succeed. It will be ok, it doesn’t feel like it will but the moments will pass, however painful.”

There were some key pieces of advice regarding the occasional beauty faux pas...

"The fringe was a mistake"

— Ciaraíoch 🎨 (@Ciaraioch) September 25, 2018

Don't pluck your eyebrows above the line, they won't grow back:)

— regina kealy (@kealycopy) September 25, 2018

But mostly a lot of wholesome stuff, like the importance of a strong work ethic.

All those crappy jobs you do at 16/17/18: Pushing brooms or stacking shelves? They’ll stand to you in 40 years time - It’ll make you realise that hard work and turning up every day is as important as talent...

— Ken Armstrong (@KillorglinKen) September 25, 2018

About time and death - and never taking people for granted...

Spend more time with your grandparents. Always

— Paul Pierotti (@paul73p) September 25, 2018

Treasure your friends, some of them don't have as much time on this planet as you <3

— Lany Smiles (@Lanysmiles) September 26, 2018

Time doesn't stand still and people won't be around forever. Don't take those who love you for granted.

— Neil Jackman (@JackmanNeil) September 25, 2018

Tell your mum you love her. Hug her when she wants a hug. High five her even if it makes you cringe. She won't be around forever.

— Robyn (@robynmcq) September 26, 2018

Not worrying if people don’t like you...

Be who you are. Not who they want you to be.

— culchiewoman (@culchiewoman) September 25, 2018

It's okay if people don't like you. It doesn't make you a failure.

— Tríona Tree Farrell (@Treestumped) September 25, 2018

And the importance of having fun...

Have more fun. You are only young once.

— India McAlister (@IndiaGMcAlister) September 26, 2018

Quit being so serious. Break some rules. Have some fun. Don't tie yourself down; there's a big world out there.

— 💖💜💙OrlaTheNorthIsNext💖💜💙 (@chipmonkeyMN) September 25, 2018

About doing what you love.

Do what you are really good at and enjoy. Not what you WISH you were good at and suffer constant failure.

— JonnyFinlay (@Finlay_Jonny) September 25, 2018

Love what you do. Do what you love. Spend time with people who feel the same way.

— Simon Tanner (@SimonTanner) September 26, 2018

And dating mishaps.

Don’t marry the first eejit you meet

— P #MDH #NoContest (@PMc276) September 25, 2018

About the importance of self-care.

I think I'd tell my 16 year old self to start meditating. I've only started in the past year and my god, it's been a massive help. Also, DUDE, YOU'RE A COELIAC. BEING THAT SICK ALL THE TIME ISN'T NORMAL!

— Carlo Magliocco (@Carlo_Magliocco) September 25, 2018


Save more money than you spend.

— Edword Nygma (@daddykinz218) September 26, 2018

And avoiding alcohol.

Beer and wine. Both good, right? Yeah. Not together, friend. Not. To. Gether.

— J. Paul Schiek (@starshipronin76) September 25, 2018

About coping when times are tough.

Breathe through the pain. Find a joyful moment in everything you do, even if the experience was shitty. Trust yourself and your instincts. And for the love of god, stop procrastinating.

— Han Solo (@MaddieNatoli) September 26, 2018

Not worrying what the future holds.

Don’t worry about the future & what you’re going to do; there will be many futures & you should, and will, do many things.

— Brand Artillery (@brandartillery) September 25, 2018

Nurturing relationships.

Invest more time in other people. You are not an island. Create and nurture important relationships. Trust, and allow yourself to be hurt. You'll learn from it.

— Aisling O'Connor (@aisoconnor_) September 25, 2018

And knowing that you are enough.

You are good enough
You do enough
You owe no-one anything

— CraftyCrochetQueen (@queen_crafty) September 25, 2018