Junior Doctors' Strike: Time To Play 'Operation: Jeremy Hunt Edition'

Can you remove Jeremy's jellied spine or deaf ears?

The folks at Mockeree have knocked together a brand new version of the classic board game 'Operation' to coincide with Tuesday's Junior Doctors' Strike - and it's all based around Jeremy Hunt, so displeased NHS staff members can take their frustration out on the Health Secretary.

Operation: Jeremy Hunt edition pic.twitter.com/peI8cZY5vN

— Mockeree (@mockeree) April 26, 2016

Thousands of junior doctors are staging the first all-out strike in the history of the NHS, in response to the Conservative Health Secretary's policies and the imposition of a new contract they didn't agree to.

The British Medical Association (BMA) has defended the walkout, repeating its stance that it would have called off the strike if Hunt agreed to lift his threat to impose the contract - but he calls it "a manifesto promise voted for by the British people."

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