Katie Hopkins Deletes Tweet With Picture Of Her Posing With Holocaust Denier

He seems nice.

Katie Hopkins has deleted a tweet which showed her posing with a Swedish journalist known for claiming the Holocaust never happened.

The picture, screengrabbed by another Twitter user, shows Hopkins with Peter Sweden.

Oh here they are, bless em. pic.twitter.com/HL0h2QvUBB

— Tom (@CcwTom) July 18, 2017

The original tweet was captioned: “Good to meet Team C-Star @DefendEuropeID in Sicily. Young people, 8 nations, crowd-funded, shining a light on NGO people traffickers in Med.”

This was then deleted and replaced with another tweet without the picture of Sweden and different wording.

Having met the team of @DefendEuropeID - now at dockside in Catania with @SavetheChildren & Vos Hestia #med about to set sail on a mission pic.twitter.com/AM3fVECs2P

— Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) July 18, 2017

Sweden has previously used Twitter to question the fact that 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust as well as expressing some sympathies for the policies of Adolf Hitler.

The claim that 6 million jews were gassed seem highly unprobable. The concentration camps didnt have the facilities for that.

— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) May 13, 2016

By the wayjust so you know i am not a nazi : )
I think hitler had some good points, but i dont agree with facism or socialism

— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) August 7, 2016

He also believes the Jews and the Vatican are colluding in a plot to create a New World Order which is seeking to undermine Europe by moving Muslim populations under the guise of the current refugee crisis.

The globalists (mainly jews) are the ones bringing in the muslims to europe. They seem to work together.

— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) October 14, 2016

It is the vatican & the jews who are behind NWO.

— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) September 5, 2016

Not to mention his views on the porn industry.

Since you are jewish, why don't you mention that nearly all pornographic studios are owned by jews ? pic.twitter.com/zLxq9dneBu

— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) October 11, 2016

It appears both Hopkins and Sweden are in Sicily investigating the role of charities in the rescue of migrants crossing the Mediterranean.

The Defend Europe group tagged in the tweets as well as a number of right-wing commentators are accusing charities such as Save the Children of effectively acting as human traffickers by rescuing them from peril.

The Vos Hestia, ship of "save the children" is now in Catania. The days of their unwatched doings are over. #defendeurope pic.twitter.com/aWQUSbafhG

— Defend Europe (@DefendEuropeID) July 17, 2017

Hopkins has even questioned handing life jackets to people in the water.

Dear @moas_eu - query - is it now policy to supply life jackets to Libyan people traffickers?pic.twitter.com/aCU0cSmNh3

— Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) July 14, 2017

Hopkins appears to be meeting the crew spending the week on the C-Star, a ship chartered by far-right activists to hinder search-and-rescue attempts and “save Europe and to save lives”.

Looking forward to meeting the crew of the C-star in Catania tomorrow. Setting out to defend the Med. All this week @MailOnline pic.twitter.com/szgdXknCfv

— Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) July 16, 2017

The trip is being financed by a crowdfunding campaign which raised £91,000. The mission’s stated aim is to “document the doings of the NGOs, expose their collaboration with the human smugglers, and intervene if they do something illegal”.

Others on board include include alt-right poster girl, Brittany Pettibone, who believes in “white genocide” and the completely debunked PizzaGate theory.

Arrived in Catania, Sicily! #DefendEurope pic.twitter.com/KjWyKVvsiN

— Brittany Pettibone (@BrittPettibone) July 16, 2017

And the blonde lady pictured with Hopkins is Canadian Lauren Southern, 20.

"Don't let hate win"

Hate won because we did nothing. #LondonBridge

— Lauren Southern (@Lauren_Southern) June 3, 2017

Hopkins will be wary of being photographed with a Holocaust denier such as Sweden after she was fired from her LBC radio show after she tweeted remarks in the wake of the Manchester bombing that some interpreted as calls for ethnic cleansing.

She wrote: “22 dead – number rising. Schofield. Don’t you even dare. Do not be part of the problem. We need a final solution. #Manchester.”

Hopkins has been contacted for comment.

UPDATE: Peter Sweden has released a statement claiming he has “grown older and learnt more about life” and therefore is no longer a Holocaust denier and doesn’t stand by the tweets he posted last October.

I have had opinions in the past that I strongly regret. Please retweet. pic.twitter.com/sf8CBRVQwW

— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) July 19, 2017

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