Loose Lion Reported In Spanish Town Turns Out Be A Very Big Dog

Police said they received several calls about a lion roaming the town.

Police in the Spanish town of Molina de Segura thought they were being called out to catch a big cat, but instead, were confronted with a very big dog.

According to social media posts from the station, local police received several calls about lion sightings near a garden area in the town.

When they arrived on the scene, they were able to detain the animal and scan its microchip, which revealed it was actually a large canine.

Se han recibido esta mañana varios avisos alertando de que habían visto suelto por la zona de huerta un león 🦁, otros un bicho extraño, pero finalmente le hemos pasado el lector de microchip y ha resultado ser un... perro 🐕. Identificando a su titular. pic.twitter.com/O5k6ZClX9a

— Policia Local Molina de Segura (@MolinaPolicia) March 7, 2020

The dog’s odd haircut ― complete with tufty tail and mane ― certainly contributed to the confusion.

Molina de Segura local police told HuffPost that officers were able to reunite the pooch with its owner but weren’t clear on the reason behind the dog’s haircut.

“We’re investigating and waiting for some results,” a spokesperson said in a message that has been translated to English. “We don’t know the motive for shaving it that way. For now, there’s no justifiable motive. We have to confirm the vaccines and documents are correct, but fortunately, the dog is fine.”


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