London Bridge Attack Prompts Londoners To Share Extraordinary Messages Of Defiance

'London Bridge will never fall down.'

Londoners have shared extraordinary messages of defiance in the face of terror after an attack which left seven people dead on Saturday night.

At least 48 people were injured after a van ploughed into pedestrians on London Bridge and multiple suspects rampaged with knives in what appeared to be a coordinated attack on the capital.

But while the attack was designed to strike fear into the hearts of Londoners, the city’s inhabitants are having absolutely none of it.

A sign at Walthamstow tube station in east London following last night's terrorist incident at London Bridge
A sign at Walthamstow tube station in east London following last night's terrorist incident at London Bridge
PA Wire/PA Images

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan spoke out defiantly, saying: “I am appalled and furious that these twisted and cowardly terrorists deliberately targeted innocent Londoners and visitors to our city who were just enjoying their Saturday night.

“I condemn these terrorists in the strongest possible terms. They are barbaric cowards and there is absolutely no justification for their evil and unforgivable actions.”

He added: “I’d urge all Londoners to remain calm and vigilant today and over the days ahead. We are all shocked and angry today but this is our city - we will never let these cowards win and we will never be cowed by terrorism.”

503 tons of high explosive and 30,000 incendiary bombs were dropped on London during the war. We're not reeling. We're just saying Fuck You!

— Ricky Gervais (@rickygervais) June 4, 2017

And Londoners too shared their defiant messages on social media...

Iron and steel will bend and bow,
Bend and bow, bend and bow
But it won't break.#LondonBridgeIsNotFallingDown

— KateMaltby (@KateMaltby) June 4, 2017

People fleeing #LondonBridge but the bloke on the right isn't spilling a drop. God Bless the Brits!

— Howard Mannella (@hmannella) June 3, 2017

#londonwillnotfall Emergency services handling it impeccably and concerned citizens offering safety. I've seen all I need to see. 😍👊👏

— Tristyn Faith (@WolfStruck) June 3, 2017

so many beautiful souls near affected areas offering a safe place and tea. I'm so glad humans like that exist ❤️ #London #londonwillnotfall

— Cydney (@CydneyHelsdown) June 3, 2017

This morning my city is grieving, but we are not afraid! We are London, we are resilient and we will not give in! #londonwillnotfall

— Anastasia Oh (@thishistorygirl) June 4, 2017

London, we are not afraid #LondonBridge.

— LOVE Great Britain (@LVGreatBritain) June 4, 2017

We will live, read, write, love. We will be annoyed but not afraid. #London

— paisleypiranhas (@paisleypiranhas) June 4, 2017

I am going to a concert in central London tonight.

I am not afraid to go.

I will not be put off.#staystronglondon #LondonAttacks

— Jim Crozier (@JCrozier70) June 4, 2017

We are going into London today with the kids. I want to say "I am not afraid", but having to explain this to my kids? My stomach hurts.

— Lisa (@lisadurbin) June 4, 2017

London gives an opportunity to everyone.It doesn't matter where you come from. It will always be open. LONDON IS NOT AFRAID. We are London ❤

— La Cat (@caterina_giordo) June 4, 2017

Even Harry Potter author JK Rowling joined in:

The thugs who mowed down innocent people would love to think of the UK 'reeling' but it isn't. Don't confuse grief with lack of courage.

— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) June 4, 2017

Meanwhile stories of heroism and kindness in the face of terror have also emerged, including a witness who threw chairs and glasses at the attackers, locals who opened up their homes to shelter people and cabbies offering free lifts.

Three male attackers were shot and killed within eight minutes of the first call to emergency services. Police say they believe they have killed all the attackers.

The attacks began just after 10pm (BST) when a van sped towards pedestrians at 50mph on the landmark bridge, scattering people across the road, leaving many injured.

The van then came to a stop at nearby Borough Market when at least three suspects began a marauding attack armed with large knives, stabbing people at random.

PA Wire/PA Images
British Transport Police has confirmed one of its on-duty officers was seriously injured in the attack. His injuries – to his head, face and leg – are serious but not thought to be life-threatening.

The London Ambulance Service said 48 people have been taken to five hospitals across the city while a number of others were treated at the scene for minor injuries.

Members of the public who are concerned about friends and relatives should contact the police Casualty Bureau on 0800 096 1233 or 020 7158 0197.


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