Luisa Zissman Reveals She 'Hates Growing Babies' In Instagram Post And Mums Can Relate

'Literally don’t enjoy anything about pregnancy.'

Luisa Zissman has said she “hates growing babies” in her latest Instagram post, and mums know the feeling only too well.

The 30-year-old mum, who announced she was expecting her third child in June 2017, shared a selfie of herself laying in bed on Thursday 13 July.

“Feeling sick in bed with Ellie,” she wrote.

“Hate growing babies literally don’t enjoy anything about pregnancy. It goes on forever too, I mean [it] feels like I’ve got ages.”

Zissman added: “I shouldn’t moan I know but it’s no fun, thank God I adore giving birth.” She used the hashtags #pregnant #miserable #sicky.

Mums could relate to the feeling and commented on Zissman’s photo thanking her for being the one to “say it out loud”.

“Yes this, all this,” one mum wrote. “Everyone talks about how they love being pregnant and feel glowing. I never do. I hate it so much, I just love the baby at the end of it.”

Another mum commented: “I feel you. I’ve only got one and I’m keeping it that way after hating pregnancy, a traumatic birth and relentless PND.

“I salute you for having more babies despite not enjoying the pregnancy, it’s a really selfless thing to do.”

And another commented: “My little boy is nine weeks today, I adore every inch of him but I detested pregnancy. I felt awful 90% of the time. I suffered with pretty much everything but I loved the special moments such as scans.

“I don’t think it’s fair women are berated for being honest about their feelings, pregnancy isn’t the dreamy time represented in the media, it’s tough work for a lot of women and there should be more honesty out there.”

Zissman is mum to Dixie, six, from a previous relationship, and 10-month-old Indigo Esme Collins, with husband Andrew Collins.
