Marjorie Taylor Greene And Tucker Carlson Resort To Ugly New Low On Ukraine

Above a "Ukrainian Pimp" caption, the extremist congresswoman marked the one-year anniversary of Russia's invasion with a gaslighting take on Fox News.
Fox News
Fox News
Fox News

Far-right Republican representative Marjorie Taylor Greene sparked anger on Thursday with her characterisation of Russia’s war on Ukraine, on the one-year anniversary of the Russian President Vladimir Putin-ordered invasion.

After Fox News’ Tucker Carlson cackled at accusations he pushes pro-Kremlin talking points on his widely watched show, he turned to Greene and said: “You seem to be fighting still a year later, a pretty lonely battle on the Republican side to wake up your own party to what they’re supporting, which is Joe Biden’s chief and craziest policy aim.”

That aim is to repel Russian troops from Ukraine.

“Well, it doesn’t feel very lonely from my standpoint, Tucker,” responded the extremist congresswoman, who has vowed to stop US funding for Ukraine’s resistance.

“You know, we just heard Mike McCaul, one of my colleagues in Congress, talk about bipartisan support for this war against Russia in Ukraine,” she added.

Marjorie Taylor Greene on Tucker Carlson's show characterizes Putin's war as "this war against Russia in Ukraine"

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) February 24, 2023

Greene’s reframing of the defense of the invasion as a “war against Russia” drew ire on Twitter:

On the anniversary of Putin ordering the invasion to conquer Ukraine, Marjorie Taylor Greene refers on Tucker Carlson, without contradiction from the host, to "this war against Russia in Ukraine"

— Kyle Orton (@KyleWOrton) February 24, 2023

This is like calling World War 2, ‘a war against Nazi Germany in France’.

— The Intellectualist (@highbrow_nobrow) February 24, 2023

The House republican speaker groveled and begged for this deranged person’s endorsement.

— Bill Pascrell, Jr. 🇺🇸🇺🇦 (@BillPascrell) February 24, 2023

Thanks, Kevin @SpeakerMcCarthy

— Republicans against Trumpism (@RpsAgainstTrump) February 24, 2023

Defending Russia and calling Zelensky the "Ukraine Pimp" is absolutely abhorrent. These people lost their damn minds years ago, and now they're just trudging in the depths of a firey trash pit everyday. Gross.

— Sabrina Grover (@sabrinagrover) February 24, 2023

Two monsters—and note the chyron below them—but not the Sesame Street kind.

I can honestly say that I made it well into my 30s believing that people like this didn’t actually exist outside of hate groups.

Now they’re in the United States Congress and on television in primetime.

— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) February 24, 2023

Yeah I remember during ww2 the war against Germany in Poland.

— Betty Bongwater (@BongwaterBetty) February 24, 2023

Putin has bombed a children's hospital and a maternity ward in Ukraine. And these two ghouls are decidedly on his side.

— Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) February 24, 2023

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