March For Europe Demonstration Sees Thousands March Through London

'We would accept the result of the referendum if it was fought on a level playing field.'

Thousands of people have gathered in London to 'March For Europe' in a demonstration protesting plans to leave the EU.

Demonstrators wearing EU flags as capes and with homemade banners saying “Bremain” and “We Love EU” gathered on the streets around Park Lane for the rally.

Daniel Leal-Olivas/PA Wire

Protesters taking part in the event, which was organised on social media, were due to march through London to Parliament Square.

Comedian and satirist Mark Thomas took part in the march to address his “anger, frustration and need to do something”. He estimated between 20,000 and 40,000 people would be at the event.

Thomas said: “We would accept the result of the referendum if it was fought on a level playing field. But it was full of misinformation and people need to do something with their frustration.”

A cheer went up from the crowd at 11.30am as the marchers set off. Protesters carried an array of sings, with many criticising the "lies" used by Brexit campaigners. While others are sharing their love for the European Union.

Father and daughter Bill Baker, 59, and Jess Baker, 22, from Islington, north London, had made a banner for the march which read: “I will always love EU.”

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Ms Baker said: “We didn’t want to leave but if you respect the decision of the referendum, which we should, we still want Britain to be EU orientated, outward looking and inclusive,” the Press Association reports.

Philippa Griffin, 40, from Hertfordshire, brought a French stick to celebrate Europe as her alternative to a protest banner.

She said: “I’m absolutely outraged at the way people voted, the lies the referendum was based on and the divide in the country because of it. My ideal outcome from this march is that MPs realise that leaving the EU is not what people truly want. It feels like our country has already changed.”

The Met Police said there would be officers at the event to provide “flexible and appropriate” policing.

Paul Hackett / Reuters
Paul Hackett / Reuters
Paul Hackett / Reuters
Paul Hackett / Reuters
Paul Hackett / Reuters
Paul Hackett / Reuters
Daniel Leal-Olivas/PA Wire
Remain supporters demonstrate in Parliament Square, London, to show their support for the European Union in the wake of Brexit.
Jonathan Brady/PA Wire
A Remain supporter on Park Lane in London, as protesters march to Parliament Square to show their support for the European Union in the wake of Brexit.
Paul Hackett / Reuters
Jonathan Brady/PA Wire
A Remain supporter on Park Lane in London, as protesters march to Parliament Square to show their support for the European Union in the wake of Brexit.
Jonathan Brady/PA Wire
A Remain supporter has the European Union flag reflected in her sunglasses on Park Lane in London, as protesters march to Parliament Square to show their support for the EU in the wake of Brexit.
Paul Hackett / Reuters
Daniel Leal-Olivas/PA Wire
Jonathan Brady/PA Wire
Daniel Leal-Olivas/PA Wire
Jonathan Brady/PA Wire
Daniel Leal-Olivas/PA Wire
Daniel Leal-Olivas/PA Wire
Daniel Leal-Olivas/PA Wire
Daniel Leal-Olivas/PA Wire
Daniel Leal-Olivas/PA Wire
Daniel Leal-Olivas/PA Wire
Daniel Leal-Olivas/PA Wire
Daniel Leal-Olivas/PA Wire
European Union flags fly above Remain supporters near Park Lane in London, as they march to Parliament Square to show their support for the EU in the wake of Brexit.
Jonathan Brady/PA Wire
EDITORS NOTE LANGUAGE Remain supporters gather on Park Lane in London, before marching to Parliament Square to show their support for the European Union in the wake of Brexit.
Jonathan Brady/PA Wire
Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron addresses Remain supporters on Park Lane, before the march.
Jonathan Brady/PA Wire
Paul Hackett / Reuters
Tim Ireland/AP
Tim Ireland/AP
Tim Ireland/AP
Tim Ireland/AP
Tim Ireland/AP
Tim Ireland/AP
Tim Ireland/AP
Tim Ireland/AP
Tim Ireland/AP
Tim Ireland/AP

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