Matt Hancock Has Launched A Brilliant App But It's Backfired Slightly

Plenty of reaction from 'snarky Westminster types'.

Matt Hancock has become the first MP to launch his own app, complete with livestreams, a Facebook-style community section and a library of speeches, photos and campaigns.

Perhaps inevitably, the initial reaction has been ridicule although it has also been suggested this largely is from “snarky Westminster types”.

This is the future

— Alan White (@aljwhite) February 1, 2018

Um, the @MattHancock app actually seems like... quite a good idea? Unless swamped by Labour activists or snarky Westminster types. Builds MP relationship with constituents, adds element of receive vs send, adds to his campaigning data...

— Robert Colvile (@rcolvile) February 1, 2018

Upon downloading, users are presented with the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport enthusiastically explaining the premise behind his new venture.

He says:

“Hi I’m Matt Hancock and welcome to my app.

“It’s a chance to find out what’s going on both in my role as MP for West Suffolk and as culture secretary, and most importantly it’s a chance for you to tell me what you think, and to engage with others on issues that matter to you.”

Matt Hancock says hello.
Matt Hancock says hello.
Matt Hancock

The Tories have been much-maligned for their lacklustre approach to social media, particularly during their annual conference last year which produced “behind the scenes” Instagram posts such as then-Defence Secretary Michael Fallon sitting in a dark room.


Currently the ‘HAVE YOUR SAY’ section of Matt Hancock app appears to be populated predominantly by journalists chatting to each other.

Matt Hancock app
Matt Hancock app

And it is suffering some other teething problems - a bug during account creation prompts notifications saying “Matt Hancock would like to access your photos” and “Matt Hancock would like to access your camera”.

Matt Hancock’s social networking app has a pretty major privacy flaw.

— Mikey Smith (@mikeysmith) February 1, 2018

Some users have been presented with an even more worrying message.

@MattHancock hope you're OK xx

— Marta Vokshi (@marta_vokshi) February 1, 2018

Anyway, if you want to join the Matt Hancock conversation you can download the app or just post a snarky remark on Twitter.


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