Met Office Forecasts ‘Indian Summer’ Respite From The Storms

Just a little one mind...

If you spent last week in a stormy weather-induced depression you’ll be happy to know a brief respite is on the way.

This week will see highs of 18C on Tuesday and Wednesday in the south east – meaning you can probably shoehorn some outdoor half-term activities in.

But you’ll have to be quick as this unseasonably warm spell of weather – a mini Indian summer if you will - begins to tail off from Friday, returning to average temperatures for this time of the year, which are closer to 13C.

Warm air will feed up from the southwest this week, making it feel warm in the south, but it will turn cooler into the weekend

— Met Office (@metoffice) October 23, 2017

And without trying to completely rain on your parade – it’s not going to be sparkling blue skies either. Met Office experts say while the temperatures will up, it’s still likely to be foggy and drizzly.

So while it’s not exactly going to be beach weather, it’s in stark contrast to last week, which saw Britain being buffeted from pillar to post by storms Ophelia and Brian.

Storm Brian brought large Atlantic waves through Friday night and into Saturday and caused flooding and mass travel disruptions across the country, with high winds leaving thousands of homes, farms and businesses in Ireland without power.

It followed Storm Ophelia which caused three deaths.

No storms or ex-hurricanes in the forecast this week, much quieter...

— Met Office (@metoffice) October 23, 2017

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