Mum Praised For Breastfeeding Baby After Falling Down Flight Of Stairs

'Look at this tough mama.' ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿผ

A mum who took a tumble down a flight of stairs is being praised for her determination to breastfeed her baby while in a neck brace.

Thamalia Greenbury-Hall, from Australia, didnโ€™t break any bones when she fell but was โ€œbattered and bruisedโ€ and spent time in hospital.

She was thankful when the nurses and doctors assisted her breastfeed her son.

A photo, showing Greenbury-Hall laying on a hospital bed with her son feeding, was shared on an Australian Instagram page that promotes breastfeeding.

โ€œLook at this tough mama,โ€ they wrote. โ€œSo happy to see her and her babyโ€™s right to breastfeed being supported by #paramedics #doctors and #nurses at the #hospital.โ€

Sharing her story, Greenbury-Hall wrote: โ€œI was so nervous on the ride to the hospital knowing that my son wouldnโ€™t have a bar of a bottle and he was well and truly due for a feed.

โ€œThankfully I had some great nurses and doctors that helped me through it and didnโ€™t even say a word about us co-sleeping.โ€

โ€œHereโ€™s a picture of us, feeding with a neck brace on! Feeling very blessed.โ€

Although feeling bruised, the mother said she opted not to take painkillers when she arrived at hospital so she could feed her son.

โ€œIโ€™d rather me be in pain and him be fed, especially at that time as he should have been in bed asleep,โ€ she told Daily Mail Australia.

The photo prompted another mother to share her breastfeeding story.

โ€œI just had my appendix out last week and my 14-month-old son was able to board with me for the two nights in hospital so I was able to feed,โ€ one mother wrote.

โ€œGlad Iโ€™m not the only crazy (according to my husband in a nice way) one out there.โ€

Before You Go
