Mum's Honest Post About Parenting Mistakes Reminds Us No Parent Is Perfect (And That's Okay)

'My kids don’t always have clean socks.'

A mother’s post about all her parenting mistakes has reminded mums and dads to stop beating themselves up over the small things.

Kara Lewis Newton from New Jersey, US, explained how she was driving to her son’s school to deliver the chopped celery she’d forgotten to take in.

“Why? Because I don’t look in his folder,” she wrote on Facebook.

“I missed that he needed to bring chopped celery to school today, and I have no idea why he needs it, but he does.”

Newton went on to explain that this wasn’t the first time she’s forgotten to do something - because that’s just part of being a parent.

“My kids don’t always have clean socks,” she wrote. “I forget to RSVP to parties, we never have cash when we need it.

“My kid doesn’t always have his coat, there might be Halloween candy in their lunches and I sign without reading sometimes.

“And I don’t always check my kids’ folders.”

But despite making mistakes, she works “dang hard” for them.

“I’m banking on the fact that 20 years from now, they won’t remember that their mum forgot the chopped celery,” she added.

“I am praying they remember how hard I fought for them everyday to have a good life... one where they know they are fiercely loved no matter what.”

Many other parents related to her honest post, that has been shared nearly 30,000 times in one week.

“Thank you I needed to hear this today,” one mother wrote. “I feel like I have done everything wrong this week but this just shows I’m not alone.

“I need to stop thinking everything at home needs to be perfect.”
