Nigel Farage Celebrates At Ritz Party As Brexit To Cost UK Economy £60 Billion

'Ambassador' presented Ferrero Rocher at swish bash.

Nigel Farage has predicted a “seismic shock” in British politics that will see “career politicians” kicked out - with the 20-year politician making the proclamation at a Ritz hotel bash, surrounded by wealthy backers and silver platters serving Ferrero Rocher.

At an event in his honour after his Brexit triumph, the acting Ukip leader was gleefully pictured with a tray of the chocolates in mock acknowledgement of Donald Trump this week suggesting he should be the UK ambassador to the US, aping the infamous 1980s advert.

Nigel Farage is presented with a tray of Ferrero Rocher chocolates at an event to thank him for his contribution to Brexit, at The Ritz, London.
Nigel Farage is presented with a tray of Ferrero Rocher chocolates at an event to thank him for his contribution to Brexit, at The Ritz, London.
Andrew Woodcock/PA Wire

Ambassador Farage

— John Stevens (@johnestevens) November 23, 2016

"Ambassador" @Nigel_Farage celebrating at his victory party at The Ritz.

— Darren McCaffrey (@DMcCaffreySKY) November 23, 2016

Farage, who says he hates career-politicians, celebrates 20yrs as one. At a party at The Ritz. Holding a photo of himself in a golden lift.

— Colm Howard-Lloyd (@colmhowardlloyd) November 24, 2016

Privately-educated Farage, an MEP in Brussels on an £84,000 annual salary since 1999, addressed the audience from the gilded stairway of one of London’s most famous hotels, condemning the UK political class who he believes are out-of-touch.

The Guardian reported guests were expected to include: the Barclay brothers, who own the Ritz and the Telegraph newspaper, millionaire Ukip donor Arron Banks, Daily Mail columnist Richard Littlejohn, Ukip donors Jim Mellon, an Isle of Man-based tycoon, and Paul Sykes, the Yorkshire businessman, and the retail millionaire Labour donor John Mills are expected.

Sky News

In a video of the speech captured by Sky News, Farage said 2016 would be remembered as the year of the “big political revolution”:

“In America, the revolution is total. Not only have the people spoken and won, the whole administration - Obama and all those ghastly people - are out, and the Trump people are in and are now in control.

“The problem we have in this country is that while the people has spoken they same players have just been shuffled around the chessboard. We’re still being run by the career, professional political class.

“I’m not sure what’s going to happen over the next couple of years, but suspect there’s a big seismic shock in British politics, perhaps going to come at the next election. I suspect the Conservative Party will not fit with the legacy of Brexit.”

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