Oscars 2017: Warren Beatty Wants Everyone To Know The Best Picture Debacle Was *Not* His Fault, Alright?

The statements on the matter so far have not satisfied Warren.

Warren Beatty has demanded an official statement from the film academy, after being involved in this year’s infamous Oscars blunder.

The ‘Bonnie And Clyde’ actor was at the centre of the drama, when he and co-presenter Faye Dunaway inadvertently announced the wrong winner of Best Picture, due to a mix-up involving the envelopes.

After bearing the brunt of the jokes around the gaffe, Warren has now voiced his dissatisfaction with the official statements about the matter that have been released so far.

Warren Beatty
Warren Beatty
Image Group LA via Getty Images

He has said (via The Guardian): “I feel it would be more appropriate for the president of the Academy, Cheryl Boone Isaacs, to publicly clarify what happened as soon as possible.”

Accountancy firm PwC - who is in charge of the envelopes - has accepted the blame for the incident, saying in a statement: “We apologise to the entire cast and crew of ‘La La Land’ and ‘Moonlight’ whose experience was profoundly altered by this error.

What a mess
What a mess
Image Group LA via Getty Images

Amid the on-stage chaos during this year’s ceremony, Warren tried to defend both himself and Faye, claiming they read out the name on the envelope they were given.


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