People Are Sharing The Beautiful Impact Online Friendships Have Had On Their Lives

'There was a whole Twitter table at my wedding.'

Spending time on social media can sometimes get a bad rep and while it is important for us to be mindful of our screen time, it can also have a lot of benefits.

People on Twitter have been sharing the positive impact finding friendship online has had on their lives.

It all began after CaShawn Thompson (@thepbg) told her 10.6K followers “internet friendships are real”.

She then asked others to share what they had gained from online interactions.

Internet friendships are real. What have you gained from your interactions with ppl on this & other platforms?

— La Peebz. (@thepbg) July 13, 2017

Thompson’s tweet was soon inundated with replies, with people sharing touching stories of connection, friendship and love.

Check out some of their responses below and prepare to have your faith in humanity restored.

Have found friendship & support. Met people with shared interests. Some even live in the same town. Wouldn't have met them IRL w/o Twitter.

— Nyasha Junior (@NyashaJunior) July 13, 2017

I've had internet friends intervene/provide security in crises; and Ive done the same.

These friendships are as real as flesh and bone.

— Ladypolitik (@Ladypolitik) July 13, 2017

I met my first biz partner(s) on twitter. Back in 2009.

— Tatyana (@TatyanaAssata) July 13, 2017

I now have 2 babies and a dog from a DM slide

— Ashley Sorrondeguy (@AshleyAlexiss) July 14, 2017

There was a whole ass Twitter table at my wedding supporting me, and it was lit AF. Don't tell me internet friendships are not real.

— AGirlHasNoPresident (@kamtheleo) July 13, 2017

I've flown half way across the world and stayed with people I've met on the internet. I was welcomed into their family space.

— Christopher Barnes (@ithinkaboutbeer) July 13, 2017

All these folks met online and are now friends...

— MJfromLA (@MJfromLA) July 13, 2017

my tumblr friends pulled me out of my lowest depressed points - i found a community of beautiful, like-minded friends!

— meredith 🤘🏻 (@meredithawilcox) July 13, 2017

I've learned a lot about myself through connecting with others. It helps to improve and self awareness.

— ⚜/ bi-ANG-kə /⚜ (@uniquewon07) July 13, 2017

I have gained a 24/7 network of support and dick jokes, a real life krewe, one boyfriend, and one job (so far). Twitter changed my life.

— sweetbabette (@sweetbabette) July 13, 2017

A sisterhood and support from people closer to me than some family.

— Boom Shocka-Locka (@Cocoa_Cheeks_) July 13, 2017

Acceptance for the things I like and who I really am from like minded and sometimes completely different people

— Will Turc (@WillTurc) July 13, 2017

my 6 person chat has been going strong for almost 3 yrs. They 100% have my back and make me laugh daily. ❤️

— Ms Nomenclature (@NorthernBeaver) July 13, 2017

At my lowest point, I simply posted "Strugglin' y'all" on FB. 300 responses, 5 IM sessions, and 6 phone calls later, I was still alive.

— G (@RealG_Clausen) July 14, 2017