Post-Brexit Racism Documented On Social Media

300 incidents were reported in one week.

Last week the Huffington Post UK compiled a list of racist incidents reported on social media in the wake of the EU referendum result.

Since it was published such stories have continued to emerge.

More than 300 hate crime incidents were reported to a national online portal in the week following the vote - compared to a weekly average of 63, new figures from the National Police Chiefs' Council show.

If you witness or are the victim of a hate crime this is how you can report it...

Racist incident on tram in #Manchester. Man told to "get back to Africa." #PostRefRacism

โ€” Eliza Mackintosh (@elizamackintosh) June 28, 2016

From Facebook. Keep calm and carry on "xenophobing": #PostRefRacism

โ€” Fernando Sdrigotti (@f_sd) July 2, 2016

Newington Green is my diverse lovely little part of the world. This is the community shed on the Green this morning.

โ€” Jamie Klingler (@jamieklingler) June 29, 2016

Vandalism in Leicester this morning, via @ShareefaEnergy

โ€” Avinash Tharoor (@avinashtharoor) June 29, 2016

A report released this week shows a number of shocking incidents reported to Tell MAMA.

Examples of the racist behaviour documented includes a taxi driver telling a Muslim woman that he voted to leave the EU โ€œto get rid of people like youโ€.

Other people report being called a โ€œp***โ€ and physical abuse.

On Tuesday a German woman who has lived in the UK for 43 years called LBCโ€™s James Oโ€™Brien in tears after she had dog excrement thrown at her house.

The caller, identified as Karen, sobbed as she told Oโ€™Brien that she was โ€œtoo scaredโ€ to leave the house after her neighbours told her they did not want foreigners living on the street anymore.

"On incident is bad enough if it happens to you" #postrefracism

โ€” Smiley ใ‹กn Da Inside (@SmileyYearwood) July 2, 2016

I am polish and next week i am going to live with my bf in london... and i feel scared... schould i be? #PostRefRacism

โ€” MartiPan (@martipann) July 2, 2016

No one should be made to feel like this #postrefracism

โ€” Smiley ใ‹กn Da Inside (@SmileyYearwood) July 2, 2016

Muslim assaulted with crowbar while driving in Leyton #PostRefRacism

โ€” Miqdaad Versi (@miqdaad) July 2, 2016

Sadly, more #PostRefRacism - in #London! @PostRefRacism #Brexit #safetypin #racism :(

โ€” Marge von Marge (@MargevonMarge) July 2, 2016

Two people were arrested on Friday after a Polish shopkeeper with a heart condition collapsed during a race hate crime, reports the Press Association.

A 53-year-old man and a 39-year-old woman are being questioned by police following an alleged incident at Bramley Shopping Centre in Leeds on Tuesday morning.

The 47-year-old victim, who has a pre-existing heart condition, is recovering at home after being taken to hospital for treatment.

BBC presenter Trish Adudu racially abused in Coventry. How disgusting! Feeling sick to the stomach. #postrefracism

โ€” Leila Chami (@ChamiLeila) July 1, 2016

Ah! That's why these racist scum can't behave like human beings. They are animals. #PostRefRacism #postbrexitracism

โ€” Craig Beaton (@CraigLBeaton) July 1, 2016

Another great #gohomecomeback. #PostRefRacism

โ€” Post Ref Racism (@PostRefRacism) July 1, 2016

#PostRefRacism found in lift of my building last Friday morning. Tweeted to #metpoliceuk too

โ€” jay Tisane (@PERSIMONE) June 30, 2016

@HuffPostUK This is what I got this afternoon.. (and I am Italian, still UK resident for now) #PostRefRacism

โ€” Keep Calm And Travel (@KeepCalmkle) June 30, 2016

I do not recognise GB anymore. maybe I never knew it to begin with. Canadian attacked in Salford. dark days #brexit

โ€” Jennifer (@ScottishBF) June 29, 2016

I am shocked - visit from @bt_uk engineer just now who tells me that I'm a burden on the UK because I have kids in school #PostRefRacism

โ€” Jan Rosenow (@janrosenow) June 30, 2016

The fallout from the EU referendum continued to stretch far beyond the political and economic arenas, as trip-hop pioneers Massive Attack hit back at the โ€œracists and bigotsโ€ during a historic London festival set on Friday.

Frontman Robert Del Naja lamented last weekโ€™s public vote during a headline slot at Hyde Park for the opening night of the 2016 Barclaycard presents British Summer Time festival, reports the Press Association.

Playing Eurochild, a song they wrote in 1993 and had not performed for two decades, the vocalist said: โ€œWe didnโ€™t expect to be singing this 20 years later as a requiem (for Britainโ€™s membership of the EU).

โ€œAs sons of immigrants, we (Del Naja and fellow band member Grant Marshall) are both very disappointed with the situation.

โ€œWe canโ€™t allow ourselves to fall victim to the populist bullshit going on at the moment.

โ€œWe canโ€™t let the bigots and racists back into this situation. Itโ€™s bullshit.โ€

These booklets have been posted through letterboxes in Aston, Birmingham #islamophobia #racism #PostRefRacism

โ€” AssedBaig (@AssedBaig) June 27, 2016

Young woman in the street stops me to tell me she's just been verbally abused for speaking Spanish on her phone

โ€” Jon Snow (@jonsnowC4) June 28, 2016

There has not been enough #PostRefRacism, you'd think after 1,400 English girls are raped by Musloids the Brits would grow a backbone

โ€” ((Alexander Garber)) (@thecriticalg) June 29, 2016

@chiller @TheFirstChibi i don't approve of doing that like that. but they should start making them leave because they don't belong here

โ€” Cera Leavon (@LeavonLove) June 26, 2016

blatant #PostRefRacism seen on bus shelter this morning. Called in to @TfL vandalism hotline. ๐Ÿ™

โ€” Latimer_Curtis (@Latimer_Curtis) June 29, 2016

Saw a middle aged black man attacked by a drunk woman outside sheffield train station at 7am... "get out of our county" police came #brexit

โ€” Lucy Mayblin (@LucyMayblin) June 29, 2016

11 year-old girl racially abused in Sussex. Police say it is linked to the referendum result

โ€” ITV News Meridian (@itvmeridian) June 28, 2016

In utter shock: just been called p**i in my home town! Haven't heard that word here since the 80s..!

โ€” Sima Kotecha (@sima_kotecha) June 27, 2016

This weekend I and my family have witnessed 3 "when are you going home?" Racist incidents aimed at EU citizens here.

โ€” Adam Boulton (@adamboultonSKY) June 26, 2016

Upsetting journey to work. After row over another passenger spitting, woman told it might be acceptable "where you come from"

โ€” Sophy Ridge (@SophyRidgeSky) June 28, 2016

Been standing here five minutes. Three different people have shouted "send them home".

โ€” Ciaran Jenkins (@C4Ciaran) June 24, 2016

Immigration. Patriotism. Muslims. People explain why they voted #Leave

โ€” Ciaran Jenkins (@C4Ciaran) June 24, 2016

Gloucester @Tesco: 'this is England, foreigners have 48 hours to f**k right off. Who is foreign here? Anyone foreign?' #Brexit

โ€” Max Fras (@fullofeels) June 24, 2016

Neo-nazi stickers have gone up all around the Clyde and Glasgow Green in the last few days. This breaks my heart.

โ€” Eoin (@Eeyinnotyouwin) June 26, 2016

Daughter tells me someone wrote "[Child's name] go back to Romania" on the wall in the girls toilets at School today. ๐Ÿ˜ข

โ€” James Titcombe (@JamesTitcombe) June 24, 2016

Disgusting RT @fionaand: Older woman on the 134 bus gleefully telling a young Polish woman and her baby to get off and get packing.Horrific.

โ€” ChanChan-Amos (@ChanChanAmos) June 25, 2016

Yesterday my friend, a doctor, British born of Asian origin, told to "go home" for 1st time in her life, in Urmston, Greater manchester.

โ€” Helen Pidd (@helenpidd) June 28, 2016

My friend's kids, who are black and British, had "so long, farewell" sung to them all day at school yesterday. I want my country back.

โ€” Owen Barder (@owenbarder) June 28, 2016

"Table next to me says to Polish waitress "How come you're so cheerful? You're going home." Him and the missus started laughing." Disgusting

โ€” Jamie Pohotsky (@jamiepohotsky) June 24, 2016

Man outside Allison St Furniture, Glasgow shouting "Slovaks go home, we voted you out" @PostRefRacism #PostRefRacism #southside #glasgow

โ€” Common of Houses (@CommonofHouses) June 27, 2016

So less than 20 hrs after Brexit results announced, I have the pleasure of being called "a Paki c*nt in a suit" by a homeless man.

โ€” Banking Buddha (@TheBuddhaSmiled) June 24, 2016

these cards have actually been put through letter boxes of Polish families in Huntingdon today. I could weep

โ€” fencelt (@howgilb) June 25, 2016

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan asked Scotland Yard to be โ€œextra vigilantโ€ after a number of incidents were reported in the capital and around Britain, the Press Association reported.

โ€œSo itโ€™s really important we stand guard against any rise in hate crimes or abuse by those who might use last weekโ€™s referendum as cover to seek to divide us.

โ€œIโ€™ve asked our police to be extra vigilant for any rise in cases of hate crime, and Iโ€™m calling on all Londoners to pull together and rally behind this great city.โ€

This evening my daughter left work in Birmingham and saw group of lads corner a Muslim girl shouting "Get out, we voted leave". Awful times

โ€” Heaven Crawley (@heavencrawley) June 24, 2016

Picture from Romford today. (Photo with permission from the must-follow @diamondgeezer)

โ€” Jim Waterson (@jimwaterson) June 25, 2016

My girlfriend just sent me this photo from #Newcastle. Absolutely unbelievable #BrexitBritain #Brexit #EUref

โ€” daniel watson (@DWxLW) June 25, 2016

Our neighbour is a deputy head and she said there were Polish kids crying because they were scared that they were going to be deported.

โ€” Nihal Arthanayake (@TherealNihal) June 25, 2016

Last night a Sikh radiographer colleague of mine was told by a patient "shouldn't you be on a plane back to Pakistan? we voted you out" ๐Ÿ˜ž

โ€” Dr. M. Ali Abbasi (@drmaliabbasi) June 26, 2016

And so it begins. Just received this text from a number I don't recognise ๐Ÿ˜ #PostRefRacism

โ€” Ash McGregor (@ashmcgregor) June 26, 2016

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