Mum Shows How Much Premature Twins Have Grown By Comparing Them To Bottles Of Iced Coffee

They weighed just 1lb 5oz and 1lb 8oz as newborns.

A mum has recorded the incredible growth of her premature twins with before and after photos showing them sat next to bottles of iced coffee.

Jourdan Moore, 32, from the US, gave birth to Cadence and Jaxson via caesarean section on 23 September 2015.

At 22 days old Cadence weighed 1lb 5oz and her brother weighed just 3oz more. Now, Cadence weighs 17lbs and her brother weighs 16lbs.

The comparison photos below capture just how much the twins have grown.

”When the twins were in the NICU [neonatal intensive care unit] it was difficult to relay in photos just how tiny they actually were,” Moore wrote on Facebook on Thursday 8 September.

“A NICU nurse suggested we take a photo next to a well known object, and continue taking photos next to that same object as they grow.”

Seeing as her twins turn one very soon, Moore thought it was the perfect time to do the comparison photo.

“To witness this growth and watch this miracle unfold in slow motion right before our eyes had been life changing,” she wrote.

Moore shares her twins’ journey on the family’s Facebook page ‘Journey To Mini-Moore’.

She has posted several comparison photos of her son and daughter in the past to show other parents of premature babies there is always hope.

Before You Go
