Primary School's Text Message Reminder Accidentally Ended Up A Little NSFW

'We are outdoor learning this week.'

A primary school accidentally made a NSFW autocorrect error when sending out a reminder to parents about bringing in wet weather gear.

Staff at LadyWood Primary School in Ilkeston, Derbyshire, wanted to remind mums and dads to get kids to bring wellies and waterproofs for outdoor learning that week.

But as we all know, autocorrect can make the most innocent words seem crude.

“Don’t forget your willies and waterproofs and to wrap up warm,” the text message read. “We are outdoor learning this week.”

Thankfully, the school was able to see the funny side of things.

Screenshots of a further message published on the Derby Telegraph, sent directly after the first one read: “Oops, typing mistake. I obviously meant wellies! Happy New Year!”

A photo of the initial message was shared on Spotted Ilkestone Facebook page and had many comments of laughing emojis.

One person wrote: “This has made me laugh more than it should have.”

Headteacher Melanie Lawson was glad parents saw the humour in the error.

“Unfortunately, the auto-type corrected the word ‘wellies’ to ‘willies’ but we were able to change it quickly after a parent called us to let us know,” she told the Derby Telegraph.

“It seems to have caused a lot of giggling and amusement and, as our youngest pupils had a great day learning outdoors, it all ended well.”
