When Is International Men's Day? Comedian Richard Herring Spends International Women's Day Correcting Righteous Men

WARNING: There's some very strong language.
Richard Herring has no time for people who don't just Google it.
Richard Herring has no time for people who don't just Google it.
Brian Rasic via Getty Images

One comedian has nailed the best way to hit back at righteous men using International Women’s Day to complain their own struggles are not recognised enough.

Remember remember the 19th of November, meninists, trolls and basic cocks. I see no reason, why celebrating geezers should ever be forgot.

— Richard K Herring (@Herring1967) March 8, 2017

Every year, Richard Herring uses March 8 to rebut the whinging of people who complain - wrongly - that there is no International Men’s Day.

(It’s on November 19th, but don’t worry, you’ll read that a lot.)

Hundreds of men are tweeting their frustration to hijack a day dedicated to combatting sexism against women.

If you want to compile a list of Twitter's biggest bellends,looking for anyone who tweets "When is International Men's Day" is a good start

— Jim (@BarcaJim) March 8, 2017

Herring scouts out these people, and helpfully reminds them that International Men’s Day does exist.

International woman's days can suck camel dicks why don't men get a international men's days 🖕🏽 #sexistfeministcows

— Hey Bobby (@BCorsinie) March 8, 2017

You're going to have to lick a camel's vagina mate. It's on November 19th. Mmmm, salty, right? https://t.co/v7I0zyIoVE

— Richard K Herring (@Herring1967) March 8, 2017

He spends all day coming up with witty retorts and outting those who haven’t bothered to perform a simple Google.

Noticed no shit shitting down last Nov 19. maybe next. RT @JakeSkeletor: can we do international men's day too? Shit wld seriously shit down

— Richard K Herring (@Herring1967) March 8, 2017

It's on november 19th. Your dreams came true RT @Terry2Wheels: @MiSoulTweets I'm looking forward to International Men's Day #DreamOn 😉

— Richard K Herring (@Herring1967) March 8, 2017

Out of interest ... Do we have an International Mans day ?? ... #JustAsking

— Michael Vaughan (@MichaelVaughan) March 8, 2017

Hello Michael Vaughan. No International Mans day. But there is an International Men's Day on November 19th. https://t.co/mmrXd2TCbn

— Richard K Herring (@Herring1967) March 8, 2017

International women's day? When is international men's day? Equal rights and that

— Daniel Nancarrow (@Nanks1109) March 8, 2017

.@Nanks1109 November 19th. Still waiting for White History Month though. Equal rights and all that.

— Richard K Herring (@Herring1967) March 8, 2017

And he provides some catchy rhymes too:

Baby Man, Baby Man, does whatever a baby can. Gets to huffing, over nothing, tweets away, about today. Oh yeah, here comes the baby man.

— Richard K Herring (@Herring1967) March 8, 2017

In fact, he’s really got it in for the Baby Men.

Baby Men, you got one of your guys in as President of the USA. You can shut up about International Men's Day now.

— Richard K Herring (@Herring1967) March 8, 2017

Is there an International Babies' Day? cos a lot of men seem to think it's today.

— Richard K Herring (@Herring1967) March 8, 2017

And of course he couldn’t miss this open goal.

Just to preempt you @realDonaldTrump, it's November 19th

— Richard K Herring (@Herring1967) March 8, 2017

The whole thing’s made him something of an icon.

Follow @Herring1967 today as he takes on his hilarious annual task of replying to everyone who asks why there's no International Men's Day.

— Richard Osman (@richardosman) March 8, 2017

God bless @Herring1967 on his busiest day of the year - replying "don't worry there is one. November 19th" to thousands of peevish men.

— Caitlin Moran (@caitlinmoran) March 8, 2017

Heard that if you say 'when is international men's day?' into a Samsung TV 3 times, Richard Herring climbs through and shouts Nov 19th.

— Mickey Onions (@MichaelsStuff) March 8, 2017

You can catch-up on all his hilarious messages from last year here.



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