Rishi Sunak's Wife Torn Apart For Using 'Most Obscene' Tax Loophole: 'What A Total Joke'

"I might join the Tory party so I can ignore the rules, too."
Rishi Sunak and his wife Akshata Murty, who is facing questions about her tax status
Rishi Sunak and his wife Akshata Murty, who is facing questions about her tax status
Max Mumby/Indigo via Getty Images

Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s wife is able to avoid paying UK taxes on her overseas earnings – and people are not happy about it.

Akshata Murty has non-domicile status due to her Indian citizenship, it was revealed by The Independent late on Wednesday.

Her spokesperson said: “India does not allow its citizens to hold the citizenship of another country simultaneously. So, according to British law, Ms Murty is treated as non-domiciled for UK tax purposes.

“She has always and will continue to pay UK taxes on all her UK income.”

Murty receives a multi-million pound annual dividend from her father’s IT services company, Infosys. It’s not yet known how much her tax status has allowed her to avoid paying in taxes, but it is entirely legal.

Still, the news has broken at a particularly difficult time for the British public; the energy crisis means household bills are soaring, while Sunak’s decision to increase National Insurance contributions also kicked in this month.

Together with a rise in other bills, such as council tax, and inflation climbing to a 30-year high, the UK has been plunged into a cost of living crisis.

While Sunak declared his wife’s tax status to the Cabinet Office when he joined in 2018, Murty has also faced questions about any potential links her family business has to Russia.

The chancellor responded by saying his wife should not be targeted by political attacks. He has yet not commented on the latest news about Murty’s non-dom status.

Twitter, as usual, did not hold back when it came to sharing thoughts on this particular row.

There were plenty of jokes...

Tory dictionary update…

Dom. Non-Dom. pic.twitter.com/NYxXCc7ZJ7

— Brendan May 🇺🇦 (@bmay) April 6, 2022

Rishi’s wife’s a non-dom
His PM hopes are gone, gone.
Na-na-na-na. Na-na-na-na. pic.twitter.com/SCtP29hv8N

— Count Binface (@CountBinface) April 7, 2022

The obvious solution to this is Rishi Sunak’s wife should be forced to buy Channel 4

— Matt Chorley (@MattChorley) April 7, 2022

I might join the Tory party so I can ignore the rules, too.

— Chris Addison💙 (@mrchrisaddison) April 7, 2022

There was outrage...

Non-Dom tax status is arguably the single most obscene, absurd and outrage aspect of life in the UK. No other comparable country has anything like it. Every non-dom knows full well what a total joke it is. And Rishi Sunak is making an absolute fortune out of it. https://t.co/4OQMYN571m

— Tom Peck (@tompeck) April 6, 2022

Oh, come on… Sunak’s wife claimed non-dom status in order to avoid tax. And while he’s Chancellor.

It’s more one-rule-for-them stuff with the families & friends of the government playing by different rules from everyone else. https://t.co/HicZdWtMNw

— Mike Galsworthy 🇺🇦 (@mikegalsworthy) April 6, 2022

Yes, we do. Especially if your job involves managing the public purse and telling the public what to do with their money. 🤷🏼♀️ Absolute fair game. https://t.co/INC9aRT6xr

— Sophia Sleigh (@SophiaSleigh) April 7, 2022

There will be contortions galore & the hottest of hot takes but it is obviously untenable for a Chancellor to be setting tax rates that his own wife exempts herself from.
It is a question of the most basic probity & morality.

— James Oh Brien (@mrjamesob) April 7, 2022

And there was just plain disbelief...

I know I shouldn’t be shocked but I am

“Rishi Sunak’s millionaire wife avoided tax through non-dom status” https://t.co/3S55apE0Yd

— Kevin Maguire (@Kevin_Maguire) April 6, 2022

Why is it the richest among us always manage to find a way to pay the least in tax? https://t.co/YRiQ7wqlZx

— Tim Walker (@ThatTimWalker) April 6, 2022

There may be nothing illegal in the Chancellor’s wife’s non-dom status, but it is extraordinary that neither Sunak nor his wife, nor anyone else in Government thought it wise for her to choose to end it when Sunak became an MP, let alone a Minister & Chancellor. pic.twitter.com/tJs4pAA9hx

— Ben Bradshaw (@BenPBradshaw) April 7, 2022

I’m not sure how politically sustainable it is for a member of the Chancellor’s family to live in the Downing Street flat but to say she doesn’t for tax reasons.

— Tom Hamilton (@thhamilton) April 7, 2022

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