Ex-Tory MP Sarah Wollaston Joins Liberal Democrats

Follows former Labour politician Chuka Umunna moving to Jo Swinson's party.
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Former Conservative MP Sarah Wollaston has joined the Liberal Democrats, her new party has said.

The Totnes MP is the third new MP to join the party’s ranks in recent months following Jane Dodds’ by-election victory in Brecon and Radnorshire, and ex-Labour MP Chuka Umunna joining the party.

Wollaston, who announced the move late on Wednesday, quit the Conservatives in February over the party’s “disastrous handling of Brexit”.

The Totnes MP joined what would become Change UK, but left that fledgling group in June after its dismal performance in the European Parliament elections.

Wollaston said: “I am delighted to be joining the Liberal Democrats under the leadership of Jo Swinson.

“I believe the best way for me to represent my constituents in Totnes is to be working as part of a fantastic team of Liberal Democrat MPs who are unequivocally making the case for us to remain at the heart of Europe, as well as campaigning for social justice, the environment and our public services.”

Welcome on board @sarahwollaston - our newest MP!

The Lib Dems are ready to stop Brexit and build a liberal Britain. Become a member or supporter now > https://t.co/uhtmkhaCuA pic.twitter.com/qJ1BtF43QC

— Liberal Democrats (@LibDems) August 14, 2019

Lib Dem leader Jo Swinson said she was “delighted” to welcome Wollaston.

“We have worked together for many months to fight to stop Brexit and, as one of the most respected Members of Parliament, she brings real expertise to our team,” Swinson added.

“As the strongest party for Remainers, we will lead the fight to stop Brexit.”

The coup for the Lib Dems follows the party’s success in the Brecon and Radnorshire by-election on August 1, in which Dodds forced out the Tory candidate.

Wollaston struck a blow against Theresa May when she left the Conservatives alongside Heidi Allen and Anna Soubry in February, as the trio helped form the new group of independents.

They criticised the Tories’ “shift to the right” of politics, adding: “The final straw for us has been this Government’s disastrous handling of Brexit.”

Wollaston, who was first elected in Totnes in 2010, is expected to join Ms Swinson in London on Thursday as she makes her first major speech as party leader.


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