SNP MP George Kerevan's 'Good Sense Of Humour' Sees Him Post Attack On Sturgeon And His Own Party

Nicola Sturgeon, look away now.

An SNP MP has backtracked on a tweet he posted that admonished Nicola Sturgeon and his own party.

George Kerevan re-tweeted a post ridiculing Scotland's governors on their education, health and local government record.

A spoof quote from First Minister Sturgeon from last weekend's SNP Spring conference read: "Today, I ask you this - simply and from the heart.

"Ignore the mess we've made of our schools, health service and councils.

"Look over there. It's a flag! Isn't it great?"

The inadvertent post was deleted, but not before being picked up by the 'Tweets MPs delete' bot, which caches posts hastily removed by MPs from their Twitter timelines.

DT George Kerevan: RT Lara#379:

— Tweets MPs Delete (@deletedbyMPs) March 14, 2016

The original poster, @smallgirlginger, who has tweeted several other anti-SNP memes, picked up on her message admonishing Scottish nationalists being broadcast by the East Lothian MP.

@Smallgingergirl Ha! Look who RT you:

— Mark D (@MarkDavo) March 13, 2016

Kerevan confirmed to The Huffington Post UK that re-tweeting it had been an accident, but admitted it was "a good spoof".

"The original was accidentally posted on my Twitter account and has been deleted because (obviously) it does not represent my views," he said.

"I do have a sense of humour though, and it was a good spoof."


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