Theresa May Struggles To Answer Grenfell Tower Fire Questions In 'Robotic' Newsnight Interview

She won't answer whether she 'misread' the public anger.

After fleeing Kensington pursued by people shouting “coward”, Theresa May has declined to say whether she misread the enormous public anger aimed at her in the wake of the Grenfell Tower fire.

The prime minister was bundled into a car and sped away from her visit to a church where victims of the blaze were being looked after, as protesters shouted “shame on you”.

Police protect the PM's entourage as angry resident harangue her after meeting survivors of the fire
Police protect the PM's entourage as angry resident harangue her after meeting survivors of the fire
Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

Anger spilled over about the fire, which killed at least 30 people and left many more homeless or missing.

People stormed Kensington Town Hall demanding answers and marched on Downing Street calling for May to go, as protest gripped London on Friday evening.

The anger has focussed on May, already severely weakened by last week’s election result, who infuriated people by visiting emergency services at the scene on Thursday but not residents, citing “security concerns”.

She visited a hospital and church on Friday to answer the criticism but her departure from the church saw her briskly dart out to avoid the baying locals.

After fleeing Kensington, she struggled in a BBC Newsnight interview that was meant to focus on the £5 million aid package for the fire’s victims.

After May described what victims had told her, Emily Maitlis said people needed to hear her say: “Something has gone badly wrong. It is our fault. We acknowledge that and accept responsibility.”

“Something awful has happened,” May began. “This is an absolutely awful fire that has taken place.”

Maitlis interrupted to ask whether she would admit she misread the public mood by not going to visit the victims until now.

May answered that she had worked to “ensure the emergency services have the support they need”.

Maitlis told the prime minister: “But that’s three days on prime minister. This is Friday evening. They needed those things in place on Wednesday.”

The presenter described the support efforts for people made homeless by the fire as “chaos”, adding: “No one was in charge.”

May’s answer focussed on the £5 million: “What I have done today is ensured that, we, as a Government, are putting that funding in place for people in the area.”

Ignoring Maitlis’ questions about how victims would get the money, May said: “This has been absolutely terrifying experience for people.”

Later, Maitlis asked again if he had misread the mood.

May’s answer was to acknowledge the “terrible tragedy” and “horrifying stories” she had heard but not to give a direct response to the question.

Her position as prime minister already precarious, May failed to win over any new fans on social media or convince anyone charges she is unempathising and brittle are unfair.

The more charitable reaction on Twitter was that May was affected by the tragedy but struggled to show it in a way expected of prime ministers.

There is humanity there. Now. She looks haunted. She's just utterly out of her depth. Being PM isn't simply a matter of administration.

— ColinB (@bcolinp) June 16, 2017

There's a definite quiver in her voice that sounds like she's upset & very rattled.She's out of her depth,knows it but trying to look strong

— Gillian (@agnetha666) June 16, 2017

I think she's trying to do the right thing by remaining calm and not get all touchy feely/emotional, but isn't coming across well

— Gillian (@agnetha666) June 16, 2017

But others felt she was ‘arrogant and aloof’, ‘robotic’ and had shown ‘blind panic in her eyes’.

i used to think Gordon Brown had trouble emoting and demonstrating empathy. But Theresa May is in a league of her own. Arrogant and aloof.

— Matt Kelly 🐝 (@mk1969) June 16, 2017

Theresa May really needed to break from her robotic interview style there - didn't happen. #newsnight

— George Eaton (@georgeeaton) June 16, 2017

"I have heard horrifying stories," says May. But she doesn't seem to be affected by them. There's the rub @BBCNewsnight

— lisa o'carroll (@lisaocarroll) June 16, 2017

That was one hell of an interview with @theresa_may on @BBCNewsnight . Anyone who has been to Grenfell can not be moved. Except.

— lisa o'carroll (@lisaocarroll) June 16, 2017

Theresa May just repeating the same phrases over and over again with blind panic in her eyes #Newsnight

— Anita Singh (@anitathetweeter) June 16, 2017

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