
Chris Philp told the BBC presenter she was talking "absolute nonsense" as tempers flared.
The host of the News Agents podcast has previously been heavily critical of the BBC's decision to cut Newsnight's airtime and budget.
Morgan no longer thinks "re-moaning" is ridiculous, but necessary.
Claire Coutinho was quizzed over Conservative claims Labour will put taxes up by £2,000.
The presenter questioned why new Tory policies appear to undo old Tory schemes.
Nima Moradi, who was granted asylum in the UK last year after fleeing persecution, said the Rwanda deportation policy would not deter people.
The PM is keen to get planes to Rwanda off the ground, but is yet to show the same enthusiasm to get alleged rape cases through the courts.
Although the prime minister's track record does not exactly back her claim up.
She was not the only person in the crowd to slam the Conservatives.
About Newsnight
Newsnight is a daily BBC Television current affairs programme which specialises in analysis and often robust cross-examination of senior politicians. Jeremy Paxman was its main presenter for over two decades and the show is now hosted by Evan Davis, Emily Maitlis and Kirsty Wark