First Picture Of Theresa May Enjoying Brexit Negotiations Emerges

Something on Merkel's iPad has tickled the PM.

Regardless of your political leanings, everyone can agree negotiating Brexit on behalf of a government – and country – that can’t seem to agree on anything is a pretty thankless task.

Only yesterday the Theresa May made her way to Berlin for talks only to be greeted by... absolutely no one.

So it was a bit of a surprise when a picture emerged on Wednesday evening of the PM laughing and joshing with Angela Merkel.

Just look. Actual mirth...

PA Wire/PA Images

May was seen laughing as the German chancellor showed her something on her iPad, with other EU leaders joining in as the tablet computer was passed around.

So what was on the iPad? Well, Twitter, inevitably, had some suggestions.

— James Logan (@8jlogan) April 10, 2019

— Dan M (@SirArthurIndeed) April 10, 2019

No it wasn’t any of these, it later emerged that Merkel’s screen was showing a side-by-side image of the two world leaders wearing jackets of exactly the same colour and shade as they took questions in their respective Parliaments earlier in the day.

Well, at least we don’t elect them for the stand-up routines.

The European leaders have met to discuss extending the Article 50 deadline, with Mrs May looking set to be offered a lengthy delay to Brexit.

European Council president Donald Tusk has recommended that leaders of the remaining 27 EU countries approve an extension of up to a year, with a break clause allowing the UK to leave as soon as it ratifies its Withdrawal Agreement.


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