Happy new year!
This time of year often has us reflecting on the things we’d like to do more, the people we’d hope to be throughout the year and the habits we’d like to let go of. Of course, I’m talking about resolutions.
That being said, they’re not always easy to stick to. In fact, according to data from YouGov, 1 in 5 Brits failed to meet their resolutions in 2024. It’s fine, you made them up yourself, it’s not a big deal.
That’s what I’m telling myself anyway.
Plus, according to a Reddit thread, it is actually possible to stick to resolutions.
User SamxTrav asked the /r/AskUK community: “Have you ever STUCK to a New Year’s resolution?”, and the answers may be the push we need...
The top comment from user JustLoveNature says quite simply: “Yeah, mine was to give up smoking. It’s been 5 years now and still smoke free.”
User dunnnnnnnno added that they helped their mental health with a very simple resolution — going outside.
They said: “I was depressed and urged myself to go outside for a little bit every day. Even if it was just going to the shop 3 doors down to buy some shit food to binge on.
“Eventually I didn’t need to force myself out every day - it just happened without me having to think about it too much - and by the end of the year tbh I have no idea if I went outside every single day but the point of the resolution worked because i didn’t have to try any more, and even now, like 10 years later, when I’m down or feel myself getting that way, I try to go outside.”
Ceb 1995 said: “Today is 4 years since my last alcoholic drink.”
Iwanttobeacavediver commented with something I... absolutely couldn’t have predicted: “Last year I made a New Year resolution to find a new hobby and do it for at least 6 months. I actually followed through on this by getting scuba certified, and I’m still doing it 10 months on.”
Truly, obsessed.
If they can, surely we can?
There’s always next year if not...