Tom Hardy Compared To Real-Life Superhero After 'Chasing Down Moped Thief'

As if we neededreason to love him.

It’s a late entry, but Tom Hardy just might have snatched the title of April’s Most Surprising Celebrity Headline, after reportedly performing a citizen’s arrest when he witnessed someone stealing a moped.

Yes, Tom has been compared to a real-life superhero after chasing down a man on a stolen moped, a route that has been described as “assault course”-esque, before “hauling [him] into a bus stop” to search him for weapons, as he waited on the police.

Tom Hardy is running around Richmond catching bad guys. Just another reason why I love living here 🙌🏼 #TomHardy

— Roseanna (@roseanna) April 25, 2017

And every superhero needs a catchphrase, right?

Well, after cornering the thief, near his home in Richmond, Tom was said to have been heard exclaiming to bystanders: “I caught the c***!”


Suffice to say, the news has gone down well on Twitter, with many admitting that the incident has made their love for Tom grow even more:

Me: I mean, there are no PERFECT men
TH: I'm Tom Hardy. I read children's bedtime stories on TV. I rescue dogs. I stop crime.

— Hannah Love (@AitchLove) April 25, 2017

I love this story and will now buy a moped, move to London, and hope Tom Hardy saves me from thieves.

— Neva ♮ (@pipandbaby) April 25, 2017

I didn't think it was possible for me to love Tom Hardy more than I already do. If he doesn't marry me, I'm calling the police.

— Tristen Lee (@Tristen_Lee) April 25, 2017

If Tom Hardy catching criminals in real life doesn't prove that he should be the next James Bond I don't know what will!

— Don Vibes 👑 (@DelDiablo007) April 25, 2017

Tom Hardy nabbing crims like a fucking boss. Do we expect anything less? The man is a machine.

— Lauren (@MsLozzaloulilei) April 25, 2017

Tom Hardy is a real life hero, catching that thief 👏👏👏 this is you call a badass legend 😎 #TomHardy #badass #boss #legend

— Hannah (@hannahfun1) April 25, 2017

When you thought you couldn't fancy Tom Hardy anymore! "I caught the C***"

— Charlie Rowan (@_CharlieRowan_) April 25, 2017

The next Tom Hardy CBeebies bedtime story...

...And then I chased him down and I caught the c**t.... Sleep tight kids.

— Scott Wiles (@Scott_W88) April 25, 2017

*sings Hero by Bonnie Tyler along to this*
Tom Hardy chases down moped thief, declares: 'I caught the c***'

— Fazey Pie (@FazeyPie) April 25, 2017

After carving a successful career for himself in the film industry, having bagged his first Oscar nomination last year for his performance in ‘The Revenant’, he recently made the move to TV in the new drama, ‘Taboo’.

Last month, it was confirmed that the polarising BBC series - co-created by Tom and his father - would be returning for a second series in 2018.

He’s also been heavily rumoured to be replacing Daniel Craig in the role of James Bond, reports which he himself has refused to comment on in the past.


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