Tory MPs Quit Pro-EU Open Britain Group After It Draws Up General Election Hit List Of Conservatives

Nicky Morgan, Anna Soubry and Dominic Grieve walk out.

Nicky Morgan, Anna Soubry and Dominic Grieve have quit the Open Britain campaign group in protest at the pro-EU organisation’s decision to draw up a hit list of Tory MPs.

In a post on Facebook, the three former ministers said:

“As long standing Conservative Party members and MPs it is untenable for us to play any further role in an organisation, such as Open Britain, which is advocating campaigning against Conservative MPs or candidates. I and we will not be doing so.”

Open Britain today announced it would pour resources and activists into trying to oust Brexit-backing MPs at the general election.

Key ‘Leave’ supporters will be targeted in 20 constituencies while support will be given to 20 MPs who have spoken out against a hard exit from the EU since the referendum.

Tory MPs that will be targeted include Iain Duncan Smith, Theresa Villiers and Steve Baker.

However the list also includes Conservatives who supported the ‘Remain’ campaign, such as James Berry in Kingston and Surbiton, but are seen to have not been active enough in opposing Theresa May’s Brexit plan.

Morgan, Soubry and Grieve have campaigned vigorously since the referendum result for the UK to achieve as ‘soft’ a Brexit as possible. But today said they could not campaign against fellow Tory MPs in the run-up to June 8.

I am leaving @Open_Britain who have chosen to campaign against excellent One Nation Conservatives like @nicolablackwood ...

— Anna Soubry MP (@Anna_Soubry) April 25, 2017

..this sort of blatant partisanship further divides our country when we must all come together

— Anna Soubry MP (@Anna_Soubry) April 25, 2017

To be clear I shall campaign for all Conservative MPs/PPCs to secure strong Conservative Govt & so we move forward not look backwards #GE17

— Nicky Morgan (@NickyMorgan01) April 25, 2017

Open Britain is the cross-party successor organisation to the official ‘Stronger In’ Remain campaign and counts former Labour cabinet minister Lord Mandelson as a board member and former Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg as a supporter.

A spokesman for Open Britain said: “It is understandable that during an election campaign, political differences between members of different parties become magnified.

“Open Britain represents activists from all political persuasions who want to campaign against a hard Brexit and for a continued close relationship with Europe.

“As a grassroots organisation, we’ve had thousands of emails from our supporters asking how and where they should campaign during the General Election and we are trying to direct them to where they can make the biggest difference in the fight against hard Brexit.

“The Government have made this into a Brexit election, so it would be surprising if Open Britain’s volunteers did want to get involved. There is no way of getting involved in an election like this, without campaigning for or against members of one party or another, so it was always going to disappoint some within a cross-party organisation.

“Our key seats list will continue to include support for those willing to campaign against hard Brexit from across the political spectrum.

It has been a pleasure to work with some fantastic Conservative MPs in recent months and our door will always be open after the election to any that want to work with us in the future.”

The Open Britain hit-list list in full:

The disintegration of the group came as Labour set out its Brexit strategy. Shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer today said Labour would ditch the Government’s negotiating plans for quitting the bloc.

A Bill to transfer relevant EU laws to Britain would also be replaced with legislation that would protect employment and consumer rights as well as environmental protections when powers are repatriated.

The party will insist that failing to reach a deal with Brussels is not an option and will promise to give Parliament a meaningful vote on the final agreement.


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