Tweets About Being Tired All The Time

"Everyone always says I look tired in every photo and video and first of all, I am. second of all, that’s just my face."

Sleep deprivation comes for all of us at some point. But for many people, being tired is a near-constant.

If exhaustion seems to plague you on the regular, you’re not alone. And leave it to the funny folks on Twitter to find a way to laugh through the yawns.

We’ve rounded up 37 funny and relatable tweets from people who know what it’s like to feel tired all the time.

Me the entire day: ughhh I’m so tired. Do I have time for a nap? My eyelids are 90 pounds. I AM DEPRIVED 😫


— Lilly (@Lilly) September 4, 2018

where is the vaccine for being tired

— grace spelman: CEO of being bad at math (@GraceSpelman) December 23, 2020

Not to be dramatic but I am tired every single moment of the day.

— Gena-mour Barrett (@SmileGena) September 10, 2019

I opened my fridge, an apple fell out, and I yelled, "I'm tired!" at it. How are y'all doing?

— Akilah Green (@akilahgreen) March 10, 2021

me: I should go to sleep early, I’ve been exhausted all week.

me: I wonder what happened to the guy in LFO with the big teeth, I should google him for an hour and a half.

— scaachi (@Scaachi) January 12, 2019

BRAIN AT 10 PM: I'm exhausted. if i do not fall asleep witin the next hour i'm afraid i will die. My body needs rest. It needs darkness. It needs quiet. I need to reset my body for the next day

BRAIN AT 3 AM: jungle boogie horn line

— grace spelman: CEO of being bad at math (@GraceSpelman) November 13, 2018

I'm at the age where i feel like no matter how much sleep i get i will always be tired

— Kyle (@kkunta__) September 16, 2019

There comes a time in everybody’s life where they get so tired they realize they look like the exhausted lead detective of a primetime police procedural.

— Anne T. Donahue (@annetdonahue) April 18, 2018

I think Nick-at-Nite is singlehandedly responsible for making me a sleepy adult.

I got no sleep as a kid. Too many sitcoms to watch.

— Morgan Jerkins (@MorganJerkins) March 9, 2021

Thrilled to announce I am so sleepy despite sleeping for 12 hours straight

— broti gupta (@BrotiGupta) December 10, 2020

I’m sleepy and fighting it like a toddler. Guess it’s time to self-parent my ass to bed.

— Ashley C. Ford (@iSmashFizzle) February 1, 2021

I don’t understand how I can constantly feel like I’m not doing enough and be perpetually exhausted.

Which one is it, am I a lazy bitch or not?!

— Gena-mour Barrett (@SmileGena) July 12, 2019

some girls can sleep all day & still be sleepy. I am she, she is me.

— giselle (top 4%) (@giselIe333) January 24, 2021

Always either hungry or tired.

— Lilly (@Lilly) October 20, 2018

Is there a word for what comes after exhausted, ‘cause I’m that.

— Natasha Rothwell (@natasharothwell) August 22, 2020

“why do you always look tired?” because i’m ugly??? what answer are u looking for here

— giabuchi lastrassi (@jaboukie) July 4, 2019

I am the first person to ever be tired

— grace spelman: CEO of being bad at math (@GraceSpelman) March 26, 2021

"can u multitask" yes im both mentally and physically exhausted right now

— j (@gIocki) September 7, 2020

me at 8: I'm so tired, I can go to bed right now

me at 11:

— Morgan Jerkins (@MorganJerkins) March 30, 2021

Just to confirm... everyone feels tired ALL the time no matter how much sleep they get or caffeine they consume, but also has trouble falling asleep / is constantly hungry but also nauseous with acid reflux / spends every second working or cleaning yet nothing gets accomplished?

— Kenyon Laing (@KenyonLaing) February 9, 2021

I know I'm exhausted because not even animal crossing can get me out this bed.

— king crissle (@crissles) May 29, 2020

As a millennial I feel most represented when I see a character on TV who looks tired for no apparent reason

— Karen Chee (@karencheee) February 5, 2019

I woke up tired.

— Natasha Rothwell (@natasharothwell) May 30, 2020

My boyfriend keeps telling me he’s “uninterested in getting involved with this discourse” every time I bring up how sleepy he is all the time

— broti gupta (@BrotiGupta) March 24, 2021

I don’t understand how I’m sleepy the whole day... but when it’s time to sleep I have energy to run a whole marathon.

— BretmanRock’s Year (@bretmanrock) September 4, 2019

Sometimes you have to lie down even when you're not sleepy just to let sleep know you're available.

— Akilah Green (@akilahgreen) May 16, 2020

apologies to anyone that spoke to me today. I said goodbye instead of hello, you’re welcome instead of thank you, etc. brain is dead. very sleepy

— chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen) February 27, 2018

everyone always says i look tired in every photo and video and first of all, i am. second of all, that’s just my face.

— Luke Hemmings (@Luke5SOS) June 6, 2019

Me: *overwhelmed, exhausted, drowning in stress*
Me: Ok fine, I’ll coach soccer.

— Lurkin' Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) August 29, 2019

*takes a break from writing to eat*
*immediately feels sleepy after eating. takes a break from writing to nap*
*wakes up hungry* : well can't write on an empty stomach!

— Bolu Babalola (@BeeBabs) July 21, 2018

As a child I never knew that being exhausted was part of being an adult.

— 🌴 Envy 🌴 (@envydatropic) November 12, 2019

ME: wow I am exhausted, can't even focus, eyes are shriveling inside my skull
BRAIN: so go to bed
ME: no

— bletchley punk (@alicegoldfuss) May 20, 2020

Pitch: a web series called sleepy ones where I interview guests while drinking increasingly sleepier nighttime teas.

— Samantha Ruddy (@samlymatters) July 17, 2020

“you always look tired”

— ⋆ (@tristehomo) July 19, 2018

I am too exhausted to seize the day, but I will seize any bag of candy that gets in my path.

— Stacey (@skittle624) March 2, 2018

Nothing gets me immediately sleepy quite like imagining my mom coming into my room to say, “get up it’s time for school”

— broti gupta (@BrotiGupta) August 15, 2020

I'm only exhausted as an adult because toddler me wouldn't take naps.

— 🌴 Envy 🌴 (@envydatropic) February 12, 2020

Before You Go
