Tweets That Completely Sum Up Being The Only Single One In Your Friend Group

"Thinking about how many times my dating life has been used as a storytime to my friends’ significant others."

We all want our friends to find love and happiness, but when you’re the only person in the group who isn’t in a relationship, the experience can certainly wear on you.

From the awkward group vacation room assignments to the realisation that your dating life is a chief source of entertainment for countless couples, this resident single status comes with many highs and lows. Below, we’ve rounded up 30 funny and relatable tweets about being the only single person in your friend group.

Being the only single person at a group AirBnB is a fun game of where will I be banished to sleep

— shosh brodman (@shosh_brod) September 17, 2022

As the only single person in the girl group I feel like it’s my responsibility to provide everyone with the comedy gold that comes out of dating apps

— Flo🌻 (@FloSimpsonn) November 23, 2021

This the game you play when you’re tired of being the only single friend

— Daisy 🧟♂️: TWD FINAL EPS (@SwansonLudgate) January 14, 2021

being the last single friend is an indignity I would not wish on my worst enemy, we’ll be talking best prams on the market and who’s going on holiday where then suddenly it’s “anyway any developments with that guy who liked your insta story back in march?”

— cate in the kitchen x (@catekitchen) October 16, 2022

When you’re the last single friend and it’s time to catch the bouquet

— Jasmine (@JasmineLWatkins) November 16, 2020

Going on a golf trip with 11 dudes in Hilton Head and I’m the only single guy. I wanna say it’ll be sick to have 11 wingmen but if I’m being honest I’ll be way too focused on boosting the fellas’ morale by playing The Boys Are Back In Town to be worried about talking to girls

— Dana Beers (@danabeers) April 30, 2021

Am I the only single friend? Um yes.. Am I the best damn 3rd wheeler ever? Um hell yes !!

— Hannah ☾ (@hannahbates81) December 4, 2019

we don’t talk about couples privilege enough!! ever been single on a group trip and u have to split the children’s bunk bed room of the airbnb w the 7 other singles while the couples get the master bedrooms complete w balcony and waterfall shower??

— shan (@shayyonce) November 13, 2020

My conversation with my married friends:

— Numrah🇵🇰 (@iamNumm) January 18, 2022

Im gonna be the one single friend making drunk heart to heart speeches at all my friends weddings

— T🕷️ (@TwistedT__) July 27, 2020

being single is fun but being the only single one in ur friend group … not fun

— babyleo (@LlopisMadelyn) March 2, 2022

I love my married friends even if I don’t understand or support their lifestyle choices.

— Anna Fitzpatrick (@bananafitz) August 5, 2021

Thinking about how many times my dating life has been used as a storytime to my friends’ significant others

— Cyberpunk Rachel 🔜 LACC (@rachelszero) November 12, 2022

When you're the only single one among a group of friends

— 나이나이 🐱 (@heartingdongs) June 9, 2021

I think I’m gonna be the one single friend out of my friends who takes pics with their babies and 3rd wheels on their date nights 🙃

— Dan🤍 (@danirooksXo) July 13, 2020

When you the last single friend in the group

— The CandyMan, MBA (@Indiana7Jones) December 10, 2019

OH: young smug marrieds talking to their lone single friend "have you heard of tinder?" OH GOD HELP ME

— Jenn Schaal (@JennSchaal) June 29, 2015

when you’re the only single friend

— NetflixFilm (@NetflixFilm) August 13, 2021

What most women don’t understand is that having married friends is partly why a lot of us are single . We see the things you people are going through and don’t want that life ….

— Lydia (@Kuchiiiii) October 13, 2022

Airbnb’s when you’re the single one in the group really be like “yeah we cleared a drawer for you in the kitchen for you to sleep in”.

— Luis Castillo (@JediLuiss) June 30, 2020

Ok so it’s official, I am the LAST SINGLE FRIEND - which sounds like it would be horrible but I’ve spent a long time weeding out my friends subpar partners and curating a nice secondary friend group (read:spouses) and no one can split up the band cuz you’re married suckerzzzzzzzz

— Messy Jesse (@jesse_paps) December 29, 2020

When my married friends ask about my dating life

— Paige Kuhn (@ThatSportsPaige) February 17, 2021

my last single friend getting into a relationship and me trying to be supportive but actually feeling like they are abandoning me

— Nicole (@NicoleMutchler) January 29, 2022

It's hilarious when everyone plays matchmaker bc you're the resident single friend lol. My co-workers point out every black man they see lol

— Eyes Forward,Love (@OhhTHATSMallory) October 3, 2013

I am the last single friend but jokes on them because I don’t have to share my bed or takeaway with another soul

— Andrea 🌞 (@its0kaytotalk) September 25, 2020

my last single friend decided to get in a relationship ugh :/ alex play lonley by akon 🗣

— x (@_eexz) May 2, 2022

As the single friend I feel like it’s my responsibility to remind all my married friends that they’re not ready for kids at every possible opportunity

— ._ (@_fwuck) October 29, 2022

When ur the only 'single' friend at the gathering and they all start cuddeling at the table: my cue to leave

— nette (@bxlackroses) November 26, 2022

A perk of being the single friend is all your besties and their boyfriends put you on their tab 🥰 (I offer to pay promise)

— ya girl b (@thatissobrooke) October 28, 2022

shoutout all my friends finding love. ur weak as hell for that shit but whatever

— John (@JohnOfTheShed) May 28, 2021