#AskCarswell Ukip's Douglas Carswell Gets Trolled Over Science Gaffe

'How do Sardines get in the tin if the key is on the outside?'

Want 2 understand trade? Think gravity: size & distance matter. UK-Ireland greater than UK-China

"Jupiter is big but the moon moves tides"

— Paul Nightingale (@Nightingale_P) September 18, 2016

@Nightingale_P @DuncanWeldon actually it's the gravitational pull of the sun. The moon's gravity does Spring / neap tides

— Douglas Carswell MP (@DouglasCarswell) September 18, 2016

@DouglasCarswell @DuncanWeldon sorry Douglas, you've been mis-informed. Tides caused by moon not the sun (27m x bigger). Distance matters.

— Paul Nightingale (@Nightingale_P) September 19, 2016

@Nightingale_P @DuncanWeldon surprised head of Science research at a university refutes idea sun's gravity causes tides.

— Douglas Carswell MP (@DouglasCarswell) September 19, 2016

@DouglasCarswell @DuncanWeldon Douglas, this isn't a controversial point. Its in Newton's Principia.

— Paul Nightingale (@Nightingale_P) September 19, 2016

Oh dear.

As this is the age of social media, it didn’t take long for a hashtag to appear mocking Carswell for his adamant yet totally misinformed opinion.

#AskCarswell saw a spontaneous and pseudo Q&A over which Ukip’s only MP had no control over.

In the defence of Douglas Carswell, when you're this far right, everything ends up being influenced by The Sun.

— Jeffw (@Jeffwni) September 20, 2016

And some of the questions were really hard...

If Newton had lived in a hot country would the apple have floated up into the sky because of the stronger sun? #AskCarswell

— allan cook (@allancook3) September 20, 2016

#AskCarswell : How did the thesaurus survive the dinosaur extinction?#Ukip

— Far Right Watch (@Far_Right_Watch) September 20, 2016

Is it true that they wouldn't have to build a new Royal Yacht quite as tall because the sea level is rising? #askcarswell

— Eugene Tackleberry (@Bigchris_BRFC) September 20, 2016

It covered all sorts of topics. There was health...

#AskCarswell. If magic doesn't exist then what happened to that £350m for the NHS?

— EastEnder in Wales (@EEnderinWales) September 20, 2016


Should school caretakers keep a bucket of sick handy just in case a child spills some sawdust? #AskCarswell

— Peter Smith (@Redpeter99) September 20, 2016


#AskCarswell If an immigrant falls over in the forest and no Kippers are there, is he still a potential terrorist and welfare tourist?

— Steve C (@SteveSteveblog) September 20, 2016


Why do farmers always put the gate at the muddiest part of the field?#AskCarswell

— troovus (@troovus) September 20, 2016

Home affairs...

Did you remember to put the bins out?

— Paul (@bingowings14) September 20, 2016

Marine biology...

#AskCarswell How do Sardines get in the tin if the key is on the outside?

— Kevin Turvey (@KevinTurveyRIP) September 20, 2016


#AskCarswell When the moon waxes, how long does it take for the hairs to grow back?

— Keith Garrow (@keithgarrow) September 20, 2016


#AskCarswell : How can we trust atoms if they make up everything?#UKIP

— Far Right Watch (@Far_Right_Watch) September 20, 2016


#AskCarswell If smoking is bad for you, why does it cure salmon?

— Khalid Winter (@KhalidWinter) September 20, 2016


Why does everywhere but my hometown have an accent? #AskCarswell

— Rachel Rowan Olive (@RRowanOlive) September 20, 2016


#AskCarswell How can the UK conclude an independent trade deal with the US when sailing there means falling off the edge of the world?

— Rhydian (@grhydian) September 20, 2016


In light of recent revelations do you think we should still be blaming it on the boogie? #AskCarswell

— Ian Power (@IHPower) September 20, 2016

And some more astronomy for good measure...

#AskCarswell Where do the stars go during the day? @DouglasCarswell

— Jason Spacey (@Jason_Spacey) September 20, 2016

The list went on.

Carswell has so far not answered any of them. At least he hasn’t got any wrong though.

#AskCarswell: is today's humiliation about how tides work actually your political orbituary?
*gets coat* @Far_Right_Watch

— 869 Bastards (@john3ners) September 20, 2016

Just reading Douglas Carswell's guide to the solar system. I have a better understanding of the tides now... @ThePoke pic.twitter.com/GjqwkIP5cK

— Hopeless Surfer (@HopelessSurfer) September 20, 2016

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