Woman Live Tweets The Shocking Moment Man Tells Girlfriend About His Secret Child

😲 😲 😲
Todor Tsvetkov via Getty Images

There are a few things you tend to establish on a first date: the person’s job, their age and crucially, whether or not they have children.

But author Maria Dahvana Headley recently overheard a couple rowing after the man let slip he had a 12-year-old child, a year into their relationship.

The encounter produced a rollercoaster of emotions, so Headley decided to live-tweet the whole thing. Here’s how it went down.

The man accidentally mentioned his secret child.

Omg. The couple date beside me just took a turn.
Her: You never told me you had a child!
Him: He's little.
Her: How little?
Him: 12.

β€” Maria DahvanaHeadley (@MARIADAHVANA) June 8, 2017

This is an established couple. They've been going out a while. He explains that he never told her about his kid because it's "complicated."

β€” Maria DahvanaHeadley (@MARIADAHVANA) June 8, 2017

Then blamed his lying on his ex.

Now he's explaining about how the mother of his child is crazy. Oh, the look on his girlfriend's face is stony right now.

β€” Maria DahvanaHeadley (@MARIADAHVANA) June 8, 2017

Dude thinks he can casually eat his mussels now, but his girlfriend is not happy. Now he's explaining that his kid doesn't need a dad.

β€” Maria DahvanaHeadley (@MARIADAHVANA) June 8, 2017

He tried some other excuses.

He says his kid will "work it out." And his girlfriend is like: "how. How did you decide not to mention that you have a child?"

β€” Maria DahvanaHeadley (@MARIADAHVANA) June 8, 2017

Girlfriend is just shaking her head back and forth and saying nope. "Do you send money" she asks. I know the answer.

β€” Maria DahvanaHeadley (@MARIADAHVANA) June 8, 2017

"That would just make it more complicated," he says. "It would confuse him. I mean, I was 17 when he was born. I'm barely his dad."

β€” Maria DahvanaHeadley (@MARIADAHVANA) June 8, 2017

"Trust me," he says. "I'm a good guy." Girlfriend says "Why, then, do you live here and not in California where your son is?"

β€” Maria DahvanaHeadley (@MARIADAHVANA) June 8, 2017

Then tried to flip the blame onto his girlfriend.

He just told her that she is "unexpectedly judgmental." "NOPE," she said. "Expectedly judgmental.

β€” Maria DahvanaHeadley (@MARIADAHVANA) June 8, 2017

I'm gonna send this woman a drink.

β€” Maria DahvanaHeadley (@MARIADAHVANA) June 8, 2017

He is now listing the reasons he felt uncomfortable disclosing "intimate" things to her, such as the fact that he has a child he forgot.

β€” Maria DahvanaHeadley (@MARIADAHVANA) June 8, 2017

He just suggested she has PMS. Now maybe I'm going to come for him.

β€” Maria DahvanaHeadley (@MARIADAHVANA) June 8, 2017

At first, she wasn’t having any of it.

Her: "I don't judge you for having a child. I judge you for being a liar. As should be obvious. That's basic."

β€” Maria DahvanaHeadley (@MARIADAHVANA) June 8, 2017

"I am thinking about a little kid in bed wondering where his dad is, and it turns out I'm looking at his dad. NO."

β€” Maria DahvanaHeadley (@MARIADAHVANA) June 8, 2017

But in an unexpected turn of events, she seemed to forgive him.

Him: The way you're reacting? I'm just working so hard on myself and I feel like you don't respect that.

β€” Maria DahvanaHeadley (@MARIADAHVANA) June 8, 2017

I mean, folks. I have the whole bar in front of me. Alcohol is antiseptic. If I break it over him, it's cool, right?

β€” Maria DahvanaHeadley (@MARIADAHVANA) June 8, 2017

Because this badass woman who is a billion times better than this tool just hugged him.

β€” Maria DahvanaHeadley (@MARIADAHVANA) June 8, 2017

He said some shit that convinced her she is the wrong one. He just explained how hard it is for men to have emotions.

β€” Maria DahvanaHeadley (@MARIADAHVANA) June 8, 2017

Headley (and the bartender) were not impressed.

The bartender, who is a woman, and I have been discussing this disaster. Both of us threw fists of wrath in the air.

β€” Maria DahvanaHeadley (@MARIADAHVANA) June 8, 2017

"He's not all that," says bartender. "He's none of that," says me. But the heroine of this story has left with him.

β€” Maria DahvanaHeadley (@MARIADAHVANA) June 8, 2017

In further tweets, Headley said she decided to share the encounter because when she was younger, she would have also found it hard to break up with a manipulative man.

β€œThey [men] only needed to imply - as this guy did - that I was too intense and too emotional and bam, I was second guessing my own mind,” she said.

β€œThis guy was profiting off a long tradition of men convincing women that they are β€˜hysterical’ and therefore undesirable.

β€œThat shit works pretty well, not because women are weak, but because we’ve heard it since birth. We are all scared of being unlovable.”

She pointed out that the man made no attempt to apologise for lying, or for his lack of parenting.

β€œThe moral of the story: even if you’re a badass woman, it is really hard to resist a culture that insists you have to keep a man,” she said.
