A pregnant woman who reached out to other mums about the “weird taste” she has in her mouth was reassured when others shared the same experience.
The Mumsnet user said she is seven weeks pregnant and, for the last few days, has had this “disgusting taste” constantly.
“No matter how often I scrub my teeth, no matter what I eat, it’s there,” she wrote on Tuesday 19 September.
“Anyone the same? Is this normal?”

Many mums replied on the thread who have experienced (or still are experiencing) this taste in their mouths.
“I’m the same but I’m 36 weeks pregnant,” one wrote. “It’s like I’ve eaten hair spray, not sure what the cause is, but cleaning my teeth doesn’t get rid of it.”
Another wrote: “I have eaten my own weight in mints throughout this pregnancy thanks to this. I am now 39 weeks. It has to be one of my worse symptoms as it’s just relentless.
“You can have a yummy dinner then ‘bam!’ back to having a crappy taste in mouth. No matter what I eat, it’s the same.”
And another wrote: “Oh my gosh yes thank goodness I’m not the only one. I suck on Skittles constantly for this reason.”
The NHS states on their website: “Some pregnant women experience a metallic taste in their mouth during the early stages of pregnancy, because of the hormone changes.”
They add that women’s senses are heightened during pregnancy, which can also cause these “strange” tastes.
According to Babble, potential ways to get rid of the metallic taste include citrus fruits, a saltwater rinse, pickles and brushing your tongue.
HuffPost UK has reached out to the Royal College of Midwives to find out more about this pregnancy symptom and will update this piece upon their response.