A gals Best Friend(s)

A gals Best Friend(s)

I openly admit to adoring my dog. I LOVE MY DOG. My dog is awesome! Except when I have to lift up his mess - But like any good mother, I forget that I carry his poop and he pretends that I'm the greatest thing since....What do dogs love? Bones? I'm better than bones.

My cat on the other hand is a beautiful tabby feline and like most good-looking psychos, she's a totally bitch. She'll only show affection on a cold winters night when she wants to sleep on top of my duvet, and even then she'll leave the room if I dare touch her. I love her too though, she's so cute and clean and soft and lovely! And she leaves me things like decapitated mice on the doorstep - who couldn't be moved by such declarations of "You didn't feed me, you spinster"?

I Heart them both! Although Arthur, (muttster), gets plenty of PDA while C'mere, (Miaow) and I have a mutual agreement for her to not eat me if I die in my sleep and in return I will refrain from talking to her in a baby voice about how cute she is (yessheis yessheis), because that would cement my fate as Creepy Substituted Pets For Babies Cat Lady.

When my boyfriend met Dawg for the first time, I was worried because animals can sense evil can't they? And what if boyfriend was demonic? Possible heart wrenching situation over son of Satan was all before me until Arthur decided there was room in the house for another Alpha Male by lying down and begging for tummy rubs. Thing is, boyfriend would be happy with the same. Men! Hahahahahaha! (Hysterical laughter)

He sheds more hair than I do - the dog, not the man friend. That would be weird! Although my friends have hairy human male boyfriends, so perhaps NOT weird. Perfectly normal, in fact. I reserve the right to be pleased that boyfriend doesn't leave traces of himself throughout the house, as I'm sure, he's happy that there are blonde hair everywhere he looks.

(If he is properly mental, at least I'm leaving a DNA trail behind...forward thinking, right?) I DIGRESS.

In the spring time the cat leaves actual clumps of herself around the house. They look like kittens - which is exciting for about 4 seconds and then not because more than one cat just isn't going help my social standing in any way.

I GUESS MY POINT IS THIS. People with pets are definitely happier than those without. And less prone to neurosis, clearly. (There have been studies outside of my living room). Both mine are rescue pets - C'Mere's mother died when she was 4 weeks old and Arthur is of an unknown age who was left with lots of body damage after being abused. Both are troopers who have overcome adversity to become the upstanding members of the community that they are today! Or something.

So, y'know, if you have room in your heart and house for a pet, and have the time to spend with them, do consider going to your local pound and rescuing an animal in need. I couldn't be without mine, unless it's 4am and the dog is barking in his sleep making me think there's been a zombie/vampire invasion.

You might find they keep you sane throughout the madness that is 'Life'.


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