To mark 100 days of the first Conservative government in nearly 20 years, HuffPost UK is running 100 Days of Dave, a special series of blog posts from grassroots campaigners to government ministers, single parents to first-year students, reflecting on what's worked and what hasn't, whilst looking for solutions to the problems we still face.
In his first 100 days, Cameron has been blistering alright, tearing his way through the provisions and protections that provide some modicum of fairness in a country increasingly scarred by inequality. Power and resources in this country are being shaken up in profoundly anti-democratic ways.
On the one hand, there is the grab at the common wealth. The pre-election refusal to spell out where the £12billion more in cuts were coming from means that quite probably many who voted for Cameron's party will now be hurt by his government. There are simply too many on low wages in this country, with living costs that are too punishing, for our local economies to cope with the sudden withdrawal of housing and child-raising help. Yes, put money into people's wages - but do not rip a hole in the bottom of the pay packet at the same time. These moves will swell inequality not incomes.
Then there is the nature of the 'growth' in the economy. It is fragile but it is also not being shared. The millions working in our hospitals, schools or public services who have seen their wages tumble backwards for seven straight years don't see growth, nor the far too many who with no security of earnings either. Just who exactly is winning here because it is not working people still £30 per week down on their pre-crash incomes?
On the other hand, he is stealthily stacking power in favour of the few. His boundary review, the epilogue to his rushed registration changes that saw millions slip from the voter roll, will ensure Tory seats are eternal while hobbling Labour's chances of forming a future government. His plans to bolster his Lords' lobby fodder will reduce the revising chamber to more a relic than an asset.
With his Snooper's Charter, he will bring the state right into our homes, on our phones and laptops, without us ever knowing, putting citizens under intense surveillance and perpetual suspicion. And with the trade union bill he picks up where Tebbit left off, rendering working people in the UK among the least protected among western economies while extending employers' power, granting them the facility to use blackleg agency labour to break strikes, no doubt intending to starve workers back to work but in effect will only prolong disputes and make them more bitter.
Democratic governments do not plunge their citizens into such powerlessness. Yet this first full Tory government in nineteen years embarks on an angry, regressive programme, not one element of which answers the big questions of the age.
Where are the plans for home-building, for creating decent jobs that can give people a place in their communities? How can we bring our infrastructure up to speed to the benefit of all the country, not just preferential patches? Why are our young people being abandoned by this government - and how on earth will this ensure the skills and engaged citizens we need for tomorrow? What services do our people need - and will there be anything left once George Osborne is finished?
Since May, Mr Cameron has chosen not to position the world's sixth richest country confidently, fairly for the future but to blow further clouds of fear across the horizon - following on from fear of Scotland we now are encouraged to fear union members and the poor.
But as Mr Cameron picks his fight with Europe it remains to be seen whether this most partisan, divisive of prime ministers can convince the electorate to be on his side. First they must believe he is on theirs.
How do you think Britain has changed since 7 May? Join the @HuffPostUK conversation on Twitter with #100DaysOfDave