children's health

Doctors understand that the benefits of play and physical activity almost always outweigh the risks – with a few exceptions.
Parents worry about giving their kids medication to treat ADHD, but not all of their fears are based on facts.
Newborn health tests are "not fit-for-purpose" for babies with darker skin tones, according to a new review.
“Share this life-saving information with another parent,” said a former paramedic.
The move is expected to help tens of thousands of children in England. Here's how it works.
"I longed to speak with certainty like the other mums. They laughed about shipping their kids to college early, but I wasn’t even sure we’d make it to middle school."
School nurses and health professionals reveal the devastating impact of hunger on children right now.
Sepsis is a silent killer and knowing the symptoms – especially in young children – is crucial.
"Seeing Ron this way kicked me with a fear and desperation I’ve never felt in my whole life."
A new study suggests it might improve babies' development. But there are risks attached.