
The return to commuter life is messing with our dreams, as well as our daytime hours.
Sleep has remained a mystery throughout the history of neuroscience and it isn’t until recently that technology enabled us to see what’s occurring in the brain when we sleep. In this episode of HuffPost’s original series on the inner workings of the mind, neuroscientist Professor Jeff Iliff explains why it’s important to get a good night’s sleep and how it helps the brain function better.
Do job scenarios keep invading your subconscious? Dream experts explain why it happens even more during the coronavirus pandemic.
Dreaming of face masks and social distancing fails? You're not alone.
All those weird Covid-19 dreams you've been having are a normal reaction to social distancing — and there is meaning behind them.
Dream experts share how to interpret and manage your nightly visions.
What's the meaning behind your sex dreams? We speak to experts to find out why they happen – and if they're anything to worry about.
You protect them during their waking hours, then all bets are off when they’re asleep...
There are a few factors that affect whether you recall what happened in your brain during sleep.
A new study shines a light on how bad dreams could benefit us once we wake up.