Jo Swinson

Lib Dem members told other MPs have the 'glint' of defection in their eye.
Jo Swinson has said she would cancel Brexit should she become prime minister.
Jo Swinson uses party conference platform to advance campaign to stop Brexit.
He is the sixth MP to defect to Jo Swinson’s party in the last few months.
Leader Jo Swinson will introduce a “mystery man” to the conference hall this evening.
'Get Ready For Brexit' ads "misleading" and "nothing more than a Conservative Party case", MPs claim in letter to top civil servant.
Our party should always provide a home for the Luciana Bergers of the world – but the Phillip Lees need to check their baggage at the door, writes Chris Whiting
Liverpool Wavertree MP says it is "the strongest party to stop Brexit, fight for equality and a fairer country".
But a cross-party group of MPs say they will appeal the decision.
Tory Remainer had tabled plan to ban HIV-positive migrants entering UK.