
Mr Choudhury, who was fasting for Ramadan, initially made a pledge to raise £1,000 for victims of COVID19. He set a target to complete walking 100 laps while fasting during the month of Ramadan at the communal garden of his house. Within the first 9 hours of setting up a JustGiving page, he already raised more than £200,000.
These creatives have banded together to make memorial videos for people who have passed during the pandemic. The free service helps families to grieve their loved ones, whilst regular funerals and services are temporarily unavailable on lockdown.
Maisie Catt lost her legs when she was a baby due to meningitis and septicaemia. Now walking on blades, she decided to walk a marathon in her garden and on a treadmill, to raise money for a struggling amputee charity.
Anna Willetts got to work when she heard that her sister’s surgery didn’t have enough scrubs to help them deal with coronavirus patients.
From the woman making face covers for her community to the father-daughter duo delivering plants for free – lockdown is bringing out the best in us.
These coronavirus initiatives, from sewing scrubs to donating funds for emergency PPE, can be done without getting changed out of your PJs.
Literally running round in circles, I learned a lot about myself – and raised thousands for a cause close to my heart.
Helpful advice from experts on how to help someone who's recently bereaved.
The judgment is real and distracting. But how can you stop it from consuming you?
Without family visits, lockdown is especially hard for the elderly and vulnerable. But singalongs, football and Hungry Hungry Hippos are helping.