uk extremism

Choudary's extremist outlook leaves right-minded people confused, ashamed and appalled - his view must be confronted head-on
The Qur’an does not justify unwarranted acts of violence - so why do a small group carry out atrocities in its name? The short answer is ignorance
Every effort should be made to expeditiously remove content produced by a terrorist group that incites people to commit violence. But the themes that drive this content can be used to redirect people to more positive paths
Extremism has no place in our society. Intolerance should not go uncriticised in public life
Why are Syrian Muslims judged as extremists for fighting back against a brutal regime?
'Are you out to insult the public by not taking this seriously?'
Far-right threat 'significant and concerning'.
'This is an extremely dangerous organisation that fetishes violence.'
'There are those who used, and continue to use, public concern about immigration policy and the economy to legitimise hate.'
'How do you stop a cowardly and brazen killer like Thomas Mair?'