uk family

If your kid always loses their toys, you might want to read this.
'Til death – or that hottie in the office – do us part.
It's pretty awkward if your baby responds poorly to a family member – so why does this happen?
"Being my son's punching bag for 13 years has broken me. Being a punching bag for 55 years broke my mum too."
"'You really hurt your mother,' she said. I tried to pull my hands from hers but she only grasped tighter. 'And I curse you.'"
"I began my journey by obtaining my mother’s death investigation file and court records."
The day your mother realises you are not a child anymore but a grown woman can be a blessing or a curse – for many of us in South Asian families, it's both.
"In the foster care system, being a fatherless daughter was the status quo."