
The British-Iranian dual national was jailed five years ago in Tehran.
Richard Ratcliffe says Dominic Raab must "do something robust" if his jailed charity worker wife is not freed.
The president may fire the FBI and CIA directors, and some sources told HuffPost they're worried Trump may start a war.
Her husband Richard Ratcliffe has called the British government's response "disastrous".
The British-Iranian woman has been imprisoned in Tehran since 2016.
“How can we reproach Russia, or China, or Iran ... when we are showing such scant regard for our treaty obligations?” Howard asked.
The British-Iranian mother has been in jail in Tehran since 2016.
Kylie Moore-Gilbert has reportedly been moved to Qarchak prison in the desert for "punishment"
More than 260,000 people tested positive for the virus worldwide on Saturday.
Iran rarely reports on mishaps during its exercises, signalling the severity of the incident.