uk men's health

It's still in development, but if approved, men might not need a 'digital rectal examination' at the doctor's.
"A lot of men I come across are not even registered with a GP and don’t know where their closest practice is."
"It was difficult for me to accept help, for my loved ones to support me. I found it humiliating, I didn’t trust anyone."
"They’re using it to bulk out body mass and get to an ideal shape very quickly."
Women made up nearly two-thirds of new donors last year.
In 2017, Dave Graham was sexually assaulted in his home in Leeds by a mental health care giver. The incident led Dave unsure of where to turn and how to process the emotions that he endured due to the assault. To make sure no one else would suffer like he did, Dave decided he would take on the mantle and start the helpline "Voice Out Leeds" for other male survivors of sexual assault to offer them a chance to be heard.
It could mean couples need fewer cycles of IVF before conceiving.