us politics

The president was greeted with jeers and chants of "vote him out" as he paid his respects to the late Supreme Court justice.
The singer urged her fellow US citizens to protect themselves and ensure they vote in the upcoming election.
The tweet featured a doctored clip of the Democratic candidate playing NWA's F*** tha Police on his phone.
The president egged on supporters and repeated his baseless claim that the former president "spied" on his campaign.
The third episode of our podcast about November's vote examines whether racial injustice is being addressed by American politicians.
One simply cannot wear a green screen dress and not expect to be green-screened.
The Duchess of Sussex and the longtime activist met for a wide-ranging conversation about politics and feminism over the weekend.
The White House had been hoping to jump the queue for a British vaccine, according to reports.
The president's Twitter rant at the former first lady backfired as he was almost immediately fact-checked.
The US is looking to ban the social media app – but that might not be as straightforward as it sounds.