
When peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters were gassed and sprayed with rubber bullets to clear the way for a President Trump photo opportunity, Continue To Serve was created in response. Since then, the non-profit group of military veterans have mobilised at polling stations, cleaned up after the deadly insurrection of the US Capitol carried out by pro-Trump supporters and supported the Black Live Matter movement.
After the deadly insurrection of the US Capitol carried out by pro-Trump supporters, a group of veterans helped to clean the streets of Washington, D.C. and remove the marks left by the hatred and violence of January 6th. The effort was organised by the non-profit group Continue to Serve, a group of military veterans who support social justice causes including Black Lives Matter, voter safety and immigration.
Chris Taylor, a Republican and combat veteran, said he's seeking treatment for his substance abuse disorder.
RAF war veteran passed away on Wednesday, September 25, aged 100.