What's Working

'It’s nice for the kittens to have something to play with that’s been made with love.' ❤️
'It’s great that fewer clothes are ending up in the residual waste.'
'Please help, we all have so much and they are left with nothing.'
'This shows just how strong people’s resolve is not to be cowed in the face of terror.'
About What's Working
"What's Working" is a global HuffPost editorial initiative to double down on our coverage of people coming up with solutions to the very real challenges we face. While we will continue to cover the stories of what's not working as relentlessly as we always have, we're going beyond "If it bleeds, it leads" to shine a light on the stories of creativity, innovation, ingenuity and compassion the media too often overlooks. We've heard of copycat crimes. Our hope is that by showing the complete picture of our world, What's Working will inspire copycat solutions.