The panic behaviour of the German Chancellor and French president, makes it plain to see that both countries are using the economic difficulties of other Eurozone countries and the restructuring of Europe, as a smoke-screen to hide their own systemic economic and social failures.
The supposed success of the German economy, is at the expense of being human; Germans are working hard, in an almost mechanical manner with little in the nature of outside interests, and are paying some of the highest food and consumer goods prices in the world. (As in most countries, the real cost of living has to be considered rather than the official statistics). This is the basis of the superficial stability, but underlying it is economic weakness as it is not sustainable, certainly not in the current world economic situation, without restructuring Europe to push German manufactured goods onto the populations of other European countries, giving them little choice, and shielding German and French manufacturers from competition. The new Europe will have a raft of protectionist measures against imports, and even more quotas and restrictions, and permitted 'zones' and 'regions', to prevent other countries in Europe from having their own manufacturing bases that could threaten French and German interests.
Furthermore, it has been achieved on the withheld stolen funds of countries the Nazis invaded and raped: Greece, Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, etc have never received their due reparations: for example, the entire Greek gold reserves were sequestrated by the Nazis and today are sstill considered part of Germany's property! These should be paid now to their rightful owners, which would mean those countries being spared the economic hardship and failure they are currently facing. No need for a new stricter Europe then....
Poland, Slovakia, Austria, Ireland, and the Baltic, and Scandinavian countries of Europe are in for a shock which will see their countries allocated permitted businesses and production quotas they have to reach, and their peoples reduced to surfs.
The model is akin to both that of the ex-Soviet Union or that of the Third Reich: the Slavs and others considered labourers; Poland you are the bread-basket, take up your hoes and be proud to lose your freedom and suffer for the European cause! And Spain and Portugal, you were not allocated a role in the Third Reich, ah well, no income for you then.