Why did older people in Britain vote in favour of Leave? originally appeared on Quora - the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.
Answer by Tatiana Estévez, Writer Relations at Quora, on Quora:
People who know London will think of the UK as an amazing, multi-cultural society that embraces different cultures and has many businesses that have thrived on having a pool of professionals from across Europe.
I remember what the UK was like when I was a child, though. I was called names for being Spanish, and my parents were subject to a huge amount of xenophobia when they started to work here.
Those people are still alive, still live in Britain and are now that older age group that voted for Brexit, and despite how their children were growing up to be more cosmopolitan and global thinking, that fear of foreigners never quite left them.
They never wanted to be part of the EU in the first place, and the lies they were being sold confirmed their own bias and made it easy to rationalise their position.
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